Radeon 5870 prices have gone insane

that's not a reference 5870.. thats a eyefinity 6 edition with 2gb of ddr5
I agree that bitcoining is fucking retarded in that its inflating prices for the HD 5 series so god damn much. But that card was always at that price, it was never reduced since it came out I think.
I agree that bitcoining is fucking retarded in that its inflating prices for the HD 5 series so god damn much. But that card was always at that price, it was never reduced since it came out I think.

There was a 5870 E6 for like $179 a few months ago on Newegg.It was a different brand, though. This was probably the launch price for it, and it never got sold or updated. Don't think NE is riding the bitcoin craze.
I hope governments crack down and eliminate bitcoin mining. Its stupid, its inflationary, and its going to ruin a lot of people's finances.

The system is absolutely retarted. There just shy of 7 billion people on earth and they only allowed 22 or so million bitcoin to be generated before the system is maxed out. What the hell is that kind of thinking. Now look at people putting 10 computers in their house, with 4 6990s in each machine, paying 500 a month in electricty, making the demand for power higher, making the power plants work harder, causing my bill to go up when I dont mine for this crap, and then they wonder why you need all this increasing amount of hardware. Just get a fucking real job people and earn money like I and the rest of us do. I will be LOL so damn hard when people actually start committing armed robbery and suicides over bitcrap.

Dont get me started on how these same people gleefully drive their smart car or honda hybrid zip car crap around town thinking they are the next best thing to tofu for the environment but go home that afternoon and power on the 10kw server farm thinking they are going to get rich. LOL @ these people. Do they have any idea how much they are wasting in energy whether or not they pay for it or not. I bitcoin mined for 48 hours on 3 6970's and I got a whopping 1.1 bitcoins in a pool. My office was hot as hell, like 101f, and I said no more this is stupid as shit.

Its also pissing me off because my fucking 6990 is on backorder still after a month +. And thats CDW. That damn place moves a lot of hardware.

And to boot I just had one of my 6970's boink on me and I cant warranty it because the damn thermal pads ripped so bad when I removed the heatsink to h2 cool it.
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I hope governments crack down and eliminate bitcoin mining. Its stupid, its inflationary, and its going to ruin a lot of people's finances.

The system is absolutely retarted. There just shy of 7 billion people on earth and they only allowed 22 or so million bitcoin to be generated before the system is maxed out. What the hell is that kind of thinking. Now look at people putting 10 computers in their house, with 4 6990s in each machine, paying 500 a month in electricty, making the demand for power higher, making the power plants work harder, causing my bill to go up when I dont mine for this crap, and then they wonder why you need all this increasing amount of hardware. Just get a fucking real job people and earn money like I and the rest of us do. I will be LOL so damn hard when people actually start committing armed robbery and suicides over bitcrap.

Dont get me started on how these same people gleefully drive their smart car or honda hybrid zip car crap around town thinking they are the next best thing to tofu for the environment but go home that afternoon and power on the 10kw server farm thinking they are going to get rich. LOL @ these people. Do they have any idea how much they are wasting in energy whether or not they pay for it or not. I bitcoin mined for 48 hours on 3 6970's and I got a whopping 1.1 bitcoins in a pool. My office was hot as hell, like 101f, and I said no more this is stupid as shit.

Its also pissing me off because my fucking 6990 is on backorder still after a month +. And thats CDW. That damn place moves a lot of hardware.

And to boot I just had one of my 6970's boink on me and I cant warranty it because the damn thermal pads ripped so bad when I removed the heatsink to h2 cool it.

Then you suck at mining.

Mining with 2 6950's got me $160 in cash in just 4 days.
I hope governments crack down and eliminate bitcoin mining. Its stupid, its inflationary, and its going to ruin a lot of people's finances.

The system is absolutely retarted. There just shy of 7 billion people on earth and they only allowed 22 or so million bitcoin to be generated before the system is maxed out. What the hell is that kind of thinking. Now look at people putting 10 computers in their house, with 4 6990s in each machine, paying 500 a month in electricty, making the demand for power higher, making the power plants work harder, causing my bill to go up when I dont mine for this crap, and then they wonder why you need all this increasing amount of hardware. Just get a fucking real job people and earn money like I and the rest of us do. I will be LOL so damn hard when people actually start committing armed robbery and suicides over bitcrap.

Dont get me started on how these same people gleefully drive their smart car or honda hybrid zip car crap around town thinking they are the next best thing to tofu for the environment but go home that afternoon and power on the 10kw server farm thinking they are going to get rich. LOL @ these people. Do they have any idea how much they are wasting in energy whether or not they pay for it or not. I bitcoin mined for 48 hours on 3 6970's and I got a whopping 1.1 bitcoins in a pool. My office was hot as hell, like 101f, and I said no more this is stupid as shit.

Its also pissing me off because my fucking 6990 is on backorder still after a month +. And thats CDW. That damn place moves a lot of hardware.

And to boot I just had one of my 6970's boink on me and I cant warranty it because the damn thermal pads ripped so bad when I removed the heatsink to h2 cool it.

I've read quite a few posts on this forum from people who bitmine. Not all of them or even close to all of them. But when I consider all of those and what you just posted, you are the one that sounds like a nut.
I'm not complaining just sold my 5850 for way more than I would have expected to a miner.

I have to admit it is fucking lame, the bitmining craze. Wonder how long it will last? Wouldn't it suck if the 7000 series comes out and ends up being better for mining, that would suck.
I'm not complaining just sold my 5850 for way more than I would have expected to a miner.

I have to admit it is fucking lame, the bitmining craze. Wonder how long it will last? Wouldn't it suck if the 7000 series comes out and ends up being better for mining, that would suck.

AMD would definitely love the business though, that's for sure :p
AMD would definitely love the business though, that's for sure :p

I'm holding out on either a great deal on a 6950/70 or wait for the 7000 series so this concept of 7000s being good mining cards may give me nightmares.
Damn I thought that was regular 5870's going for $500! I would've ripped mine out of my case so fast it'd make your head spin. I want a GTX580 but ain't shelling out $500.
Then you suck at mining.

Mining with 2 6950's got me $160 in cash in just 4 days.

$40 a day!? Where do I sign up for this revolution? :eek:

Bitcoin is retarded. It is the internet equivalent of stolen artwork to fund black market transactions. No curreny that can be generated by turning your computer on and letting it sit there will gain any traction whatsoever.
No curreny that can be generated by turning your computer on and letting it sit there will gain any traction whatsoever.

What difference does it make if the currency is generated by a computer versus a central bank/authority? the only difference is one is trusted and widely used more than the others. bitcoin has found a way to make it trustful, it's the second part that needs working on.
I hope governments crack down and eliminate bitcoin mining. Its stupid, its inflationary, and its going to ruin a lot of people's finances.

The system is absolutely retarted. There just shy of 7 billion people on earth and they only allowed 22 or so million bitcoin to be generated before the system is maxed out. What the hell is that kind of thinking. Now look at people putting 10 computers in their house, with 4 6990s in each machine, paying 500 a month in electricty, making the demand for power higher, making the power plants work harder, causing my bill to go up when I dont mine for this crap, and then they wonder why you need all this increasing amount of hardware. Just get a fucking real job people and earn money like I and the rest of us do. I will be LOL so damn hard when people actually start committing armed robbery and suicides over bitcrap.

Dont get me started on how these same people gleefully drive their smart car or honda hybrid zip car crap around town thinking they are the next best thing to tofu for the environment but go home that afternoon and power on the 10kw server farm thinking they are going to get rich. LOL @ these people. Do they have any idea how much they are wasting in energy whether or not they pay for it or not. I bitcoin mined for 48 hours on 3 6970's and I got a whopping 1.1 bitcoins in a pool. My office was hot as hell, like 101f, and I said no more this is stupid as shit.

Its also pissing me off because my fucking 6990 is on backorder still after a month +. And thats CDW. That damn place moves a lot of hardware.

And to boot I just had one of my 6970's boink on me and I cant warranty it because the damn thermal pads ripped so bad when I removed the heatsink to h2 cool it.

So since you're pissed that a group of people are causing your video card to be back-ordered you want virtual currencies banned?

Also, LOL @ your economic evaluation of bitcoin.
What difference does it make if the currency is generated by a computer versus a central bank/authority? the only difference is one is trusted and widely used more than the others. bitcoin has found a way to make it trustful, it's the second part that needs working on.

Um yeah man The Fed is basically the same thing. Turn it on and it magically creates dollars for the banking system. Problem is there are a bunch of people at the wheel trying to keep it from collapsing. I dunno if this bitcoin thing was well thought out or not.
$40 a day!? Where do I sign up for this revolution? :eek:

Bitcoin is retarded. It is the internet equivalent of stolen artwork to fund black market transactions. No curreny that can be generated by turning your computer on and letting it sit there will gain any traction whatsoever.

Why? Currency's are only as good as the people making the promises. Why is an algorithm making the promise worse than the government?

There are still people out there that trust our governmnet and the Fed? hahahahahahahaha

It has nothing to do with how much you trust whether what they say is true. Governments are accountable to themselves, to their people, and to each other. Masses of anonymous people are not accountable in any way, shape, or form. If governments fuck up, they get thrown out by elections or coups. Policies can and do change based on public opinion, votes, or even military strength.

Governments and nations are accountable for their actions and policies. The masses are not.
What bank do you guys store your bitcoins at to earn interest and have something similar to FDIC insurance? :rolleyes:

I also like how everyone jumping to defend how great an idea this is immediately talks about how they mined bitcoins and then turned them into US currency. What, your landlord wouldn't take your bitcoins? Bitcoins appear to be nothing more than a money laundering device for criminals.

Seems to me this is Linden dollars all over again, except way more stupid. I love a how a bunch of nerds think managing the biggest economy on the planet is no different than setting up your GPU to push through some algorithms.
It has nothing to do with how much you trust whether what they say is true. Governments are accountable to themselves, to their people, and to each other. Masses of anonymous people are not accountable in any way, shape, or form. If governments fuck up, they get thrown out by elections or coups. Policies can and do change based on public opinion, votes, or even military strength.

Governments and nations are accountable for their actions and policies. The masses are not.

You know the federal reserve has printed a few trillion dollars in the last couple years right? How exactly are the being held accountable?

The promise of the bitcoin creation is in it's algorithm and the willingness of people to accept that algorithm.
What bank do you guys store your bitcoins at to earn interest and have something similar to FDIC insurance? :rolleyes:

I also like how everyone jumping to defend how great an idea this is immediately talks about how they mined bitcoins and then turned them into US currency. What, your landlord wouldn't take your bitcoins? Bitcoins appear to be nothing more than a money laundering device for criminals.

Seems to me this is Linden dollars all over again, except way more stupid. I love a how a bunch of nerds think managing the biggest economy on the planet is no different than setting up your GPU to push through some algorithms.

I don't mine nor do I own nor will I own bitcoins for the foreseeable future. That doesn't mean a virtual currency isn't any more or less feasible than one made by the government.

Oh, and LOL @ saving accounts giving you any interest nowadays with the way the fed prints money. I think the rate is around 0.1% at most banks now.
I don't mine nor do I own nor will I own bitcoins for the foreseeable future. That doesn't mean a virtual currency isn't any more or less feasible than one made by the government.

Oh, and LOL @ saving accounts giving you any interest nowadays with the way the fed prints money. I think the rate is around 0.1% at most banks now.

It does when there is no overriding monetary policy guiding it. You can't have a modern currency without a float or a precious metal backing. Bitcoin has neither, making it just a bartering system placeholder for actual legal tender, which people use to buy drugs on the internet.
You know the federal reserve has printed a few trillion dollars in the last couple years right? How exactly are the being held accountable?

The promise of the bitcoin creation is in it's algorithm and the willingness of people to accept that algorithm.

Yes, I do. And whether you agree with their policies or not, the fact is that the financial system is regulated by a central authority with various powers and duties. The fact that they are doing something is indicative of the fact that they are accountable.
It has nothing to do with how much you trust whether what they say is true. Governments are accountable to themselves, to their people, and to each other. Masses of anonymous people are not accountable in any way, shape, or form. If governments fuck up, they get thrown out by elections or coups. Policies can and do change based on public opinion, votes, or even military strength.

Governments and nations are accountable for their actions and policies. The masses are not.
Seriously, your kidding right? Our government fucks us over all the damn time and its widely known and nothing is happening to there rich asses. They could careless about us, just as long as they stay wealthy. The recession isnt affecting them, so they think why change it. Im sure if they were accountable for there actions we wouldnt be 15 trillion in debt man.
Seriously, your kidding right? Our government fucks us over all the damn time and its widely known and nothing is happening to there rich asses. They could careless about us, just as long as they stay wealthy. The recession isnt affecting them, so they think why change it. Im sure if they were accountable for there actions we wouldnt be 15 trillion in debt man.

Go back to school and learn something before you start lecturing others about something as complex as international politics and economics.
It does when there is no overriding monetary policy guiding it. You can't have a modern currency without a float or a precious metal backing. Bitcoin has neither, making it just a bartering system placeholder for actual legal tender, which people use to buy drugs on the internet.

Nice way to assert your way to victory. Why do you need a float or precious metal backing? Not too mention Bitcoin has a monetary policy for everyone to see.

All a currency needs is the willingness for others to accept it as payment. That's it. Bitcoin certainly has a problem with that, but so would me trying to use a Euro I brought back with me to buy lunch back in the US. That doesn't mean the euro isn't a viable currency though. The only thing that can potentially hurt bitcoin is governments preventing people from using it. The government is not fond of competition.
Go back to school and learn something before you start lecturing others about something as complex as international politics and economics.
Oh sorry I just woke up :eek:. As long as Im not brainwashed, I dont mind about a few words. :D
Nice way to assert your way to victory. Why do you need a float or precious metal backing? Not too mention Bitcoin has a monetary policy for everyone to see.

All a currency needs is the willingness for others to accept it as payment. That's it. Bitcoin certainly has a problem with that, but so would me trying to use a Euro I brought back with me to buy lunch back in the US. That doesn't mean the euro isn't a viable currency though. The only thing that can potentially hurt bitcoin is governments preventing people from using it. The government is not fond of competition.

exactly what I said about currency adoption earlier: if people use bitcoin then it will become legitimate.

I want to add though, that bitcoins can be divisible up to 8 digits (or more if desired), further reducing the need for a float or metal backing.
There is nothing backing bitcoins. Its nothing more then a fad and will fade away just as all the others do. Sell those 5800s before that bubble burts.