Radeon 1950pro $171.12 shipped

very nice price--lot's of gpu power for the $$$--rivals the $250 7900-gto pretty good !

the time for me to wait out the gpu's may be drawing to an end--lol :cool:
I was going to upgrade to this since it's low watt, HDCP.

I'm not a hard core gamer like I used to be either... Only game I play is battlefield 2 once in a while and have yet to finish any of the games I have...

My 850xt still pumps good frame rates in any game... I think I'm going to wait until crysis and see how it pans out.
All the other 1950pro's have VIVO, Asus' doesn't. Is there anything else missing? Asus has come out with inferior versions of the same card everyone else was selling before.

Everyone elses card list the pixel pipelines as 12(36 Pixel shader processor ). I don't see the number of pixel pipelines listed for the Asus model. I would want to make sure it's the same before I considered it.
BladeVenom said:
All the other 1950pro's have VIVO, Asus' doesn't. Is there anything else missing? Asus has come out with inferior versions of the same card everyone else was selling before.

Everyone elses card list the pixel pipelines as 12(36 Pixel shader processor ). I don't see the number of pixel pipelines listed for the Asus model. I would want to make sure it's the same before I considered it.
Well according to this site it says it has the 36 pixel shader:
Elite Bastards said:
As a result, its architecture is broadly similar to that seen on the aforementioned part, meaning that it features eight vertex shaders and twelve pixel pipelines, each of which contains a single texturing unit and three pixel shader units, giving it a total of thirty-six.
It just seems that this ASUS card doesn't pack too much stuff in it to keep the price low. I noticed it doesn't have the new internal Crossfire bridge cable.
monkeynetman said:
Well according to this site it says it has the 36 pixel shader:

It just seems that this ASUS card doesn't pack too much stuff in it to keep the price low. I noticed it doesn't have the new internal Crossfire bridge cable.

Yup 3 minor issues:

1. No Crossfire cable (if you buy two you'll still need the cable)
2. No VIVO
3. Cooler is 2-slot, vs single slot for the reference design.

And it's out of stock. :)
that was quick... It's still a good card for the price even if no cables or Vivo..
Umm, that one the OP posted is a brand new X1950, you don't need the X-fire dongle that has the new system, look at the pictures it's pretty easy to see. And how many people use the video in on VIVO, seriously?
Leon2ky said:
Umm, that one the OP posted is a brand new X1950, you don't need the X-fire dongle that has the new system, look at the pictures it's pretty easy to see. And how many people use the video in on VIVO, seriously?
The new system just uses an internal connection, and you need two of the connectors to create the crossfire bridge. They don't sell them individually either, they only come bundled with cards.

Can anyone give me an idea how much of an improvement this would be coming from a 6800 Ultra?
diehard said:
Can anyone give me an idea how much of an improvement this would be coming from a 6800 Ultra?

I'm thinking double the performance
Dang it! I should've waited to get this instead of the 7900GTO. I paid $245 for it, but this is around $75 cheaper!
Marvelous said:
it still has driver issues with some games but 2 of these will stump a 1950xtx...


Wow, you spend less for the two cards...It gives better performance, less noise and it uses a lot less power.. I'm sure driver issues will be ironed out soon enough...

So, if you want to use two in crossfire...Do you have to get the crossfire model? Or just two cards if it comes with those two connectors shown in the review?
As long as they have the connector at the top, you can just get two cards. The problem being the lack of the aforementioned bridge in this package. Someone will start selling them soon; it'd be ridiculous not to.
damn....I'd jump all over that for my HTPC if it weren't for the fact that my HTPC only has a 350w psu. i have a 500w unit here....but i don't think it will fit in the case (Ahanix MCE601) :(
Did anyone actually get one of these?

I wonder if they really are as good as they are being made out to be. If the [H] could only get the overclocking numbers that they got (the software used wasnt THAT crappy), then I wonder if there arent really better deals out there (plus I think going forward, if you are spending in the 200 range, you better be getting 512 ram).
captsarcastic69 said:
Did anyone actually get one of these?

I wonder if they really are as good as they are being made out to be. If the [H] could only get the overclocking numbers that they got (the software used wasnt THAT crappy), then I wonder if there arent really better deals out there (plus I think going forward, if you are spending in the 200 range, you better be getting 512 ram).
If you read the reviews from multiple sites, they were done with the mindset that X1950 Pro cards would be offered at $200 (and most are, or far higher). Those reviews said the card was pretty good at that price, but a tough call when the X1900XT 256MB could be had for $270.

At this price ($165 + shipping) the ballgame changes. This card beats the 7900GS priced at $200, and has HDCP, something that I don't think every Radeon x19xx card has, ensuring Vista compatiblity for HD video. At that price, unless you need Crossfire, it's a hard card to beat. I'm keeping an eye to when it comes back in stock myself.

P.S. Other retailers have this card for $200. I'm hoping the `Egg doesn't raise the prices the moment it's back in stock.
LoneWolf said:
If you read the reviews from multiple sites, they were done with the mindset that X1950 Pro cards would be offered at $200 (and most are, or far higher). Those reviews said the card was pretty good at that price, but a tough call when the X1900XT 256MB could be had for $270.

At this price ($165 + shipping) the ballgame changes. This card beats the 7900GS priced at $200, and has HDCP, something that I don't think every Radeon x19xx card has, ensuring Vista compatiblity for HD video. At that price, unless you need Crossfire, it's a hard card to beat. I'm keeping an eye to when it comes back in stock myself.

P.S. Other retailers have this card for $200. I'm hoping the `Egg doesn't raise the prices the moment it's back in stock.

Right, the main point of that post was - did anyone actually get one at that price?

There are a ton of people advertising that ASUS card for <200 but I havent seen one person report on actually getting one.
captsarcastic69 said:
Right, the main point of that post was - did anyone actually get one at that price?

There are a ton of people advertising that ASUS card for <200 but I havent seen one person report on actually getting one.

I got one. It went out of stock and I kept on REFRESHING AND REFRESHING etc... and finally got one and just bought it! It's coming tomororw. Hehe just in time for the HardFolding competition!

post your ppd from it. I could always throw it in a machine for some extra folding. :D
medel said:
post your ppd from it. I could always throw it in a machine for some extra folding. :D

Will do. I'm ready to put the smackdown on the competition come NOv1. I picked up 3 of those fry deals this week alone. 2 6400/mobo and 1 6300/mobo. Ready to rock now!
chemist_slime said:
Will do. I'm ready to put the smackdown on the competition come NOv1. I picked up 3 of those fry deals this week alone. 2 6400/mobo and 1 6300/mobo. Ready to rock now!

PPD update: approximately 7:45/frame. Net PPD: 400-500 depending on protein.