Quit Eyefinity Went Surround GTX260 SLI Benchmarks


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
I quit Eyefinity to go Surround this week. I had two main complaints. The Active Display Port Adapter is a hotfix which I personally believe will be phased out in a years time and secondly Crossfire Eyefinity benchmarks did not impress me in the least so hanging on to my HD 5870 with the intent of eventually buying another one was a waste of money. I got $390 for my HD5870 and the Adapter.

I had my eye on two GTX460 1GB's but couldnt find the ones I wanted and came upon these which were $99+$4.99 shipping so I'm happy to report for my surround setup I paid $207.83 total. Now did it pay out?

Yes I'm happy to report I get the exact same FPS with with my GTX260 SLI as I did with my HD5870. Additionally I no longer get the odd dip in my minimum FPS. the GTX 260 SLI seems to have a higher Minimum FPS than a single HD 5870. I did however have to give up DirectX11. I didn't notice, but you might. *shrug* anyway. If you think youd like to go Surround but dont wanna upgrade your GTX260 I highly suggest giving it a shot in SLI.

TL;DR Benchies for firefights in in Battlefield Bad company 2 and Metro2033.


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Looks cool. :)

I'm happy with my eyefinity setup, but the performance/price of the 460's is pretty killer. If I were starting from the ground up, it would be tempting for sure.
Im also thinking about going to nvidia side
i was going to get another 5850 but crossfire eyefinity performance is so bad right now
thinking about getting 280sli or wait for used 460 to pop up

also that 260 is now 149
i feel like jumping the wagon too. maybe if i find a good deal for a evga gtx 275 to pair up with mines.....
I have a single 260 and plan on getting another one.
Is there any caveats of running a core 192 and a core 216 in sli?
Does surround work on the G92?

no. I'm not sure what the excuse is but when I was running GTS250 SLI I looked everywhere for hacked drivers and couldnt find anything.

I have a single 260 and plan on getting another one.
Is there any caveats of running a core 192 and a core 216 in sli?

apparently it works. No clue what the downsides would be.
Cool man, but you switched so you could play BC2 in Low settings, with Dx10 nonetheless? :confused:
hmph. Another weird note. Surround remembers my settings when I disable and reenable it. With Eyefinity I could never disable and reenable Eyefinity properly it would always flip out and either break and Id have to reboot my computer and redo it or I'd have at minimum have to reset my bezel compensation. While the initial setup wasnt completely painless overall I have to agree that its a far smoother experience.

Anyway King as stated above the reason I wanted away from Eyefinity was that crossfire is jinky for eyefinity. I don't like that its hit and miss with performance per game. Additionally I wanted to get rid of my Display adapter before it becomes worthless which while complete opinion seems likely. Going GTX260 SLI was a no brainer at $200. I'm gonna OC the cards and fiddle with my settings as Flu!d did and see if I can get better FPS. DirectX11 I know is totally important for some people game, but I just dont see any need for it quite yet.
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hmph. Another weird note. Surround remembers my settings when I disable and reenable it. With Eyefinity I could never disable and reenable Eyefinity properly it would always flip out and either break and Id have to reboot my computer and redo it or I'd have at minimum have to reset my bezel compensation. While the initial setup wasnt completely painless overall I have to agree that its a far smoother experience.

Did you try recreating the profiles? I can switch between extended and eyefinity quickly and easily with a global hotkey - works every time.

Anyway King as stated above the reason I wanted away from Eyefinity was that crossfire is jinky for eyefinity. I don't like that its hit and miss with performance per game.

Then why are you running SLI? It's still hit and miss performance per game *AND* it's no faster than a single 5870 anyway.

You sidegraded at best, more likely downgraded. And you still don't have an upgrade path.

Also, display port is here to stay.
DAAAAMN My plan was to get 2 Gigabyte GTX460 1gb and use slipatch to use it on my board(780gx)
Guess what! Slipatch is not working so I'm stuck with 2 GTX460 and 5850.
New board + DDR3 for me.
wow i thought its going to be simple upgrade
I wanted it to upgrade ASAP so I paid full MSRP =(

asus 5850 (900/4500) 15900
gigabyte GTX460(no OC) 15700
DAAAAMN My plan was to get 2 Gigabyte GTX460 1gb and use slipatch to use it on my board(780gx)
Guess what! Slipatch is not working so I'm stuck with 2 GTX460 and 5850.
New board + DDR3 for me.
wow i thought its going to be simple upgrade
I wanted it to upgrade ASAP so I paid full MSRP =(

asus 5850 (900/4500) 15900
gigabyte GTX460(no OC) 15700

because 3d mark is no indication of actual performance, aka, the 2900XT raped the 8800GTX on 3dmark, but in turn, the 8800GTX provided much better results in actual games
because 3d mark is no indication of actual performance, aka, the 2900XT raped the 8800GTX on 3dmark, but in turn, the 8800GTX provided much better results in actual games

True, real gaming benchs are more important benchmarks