Quick Windows 7 Questions


Jun 21, 2004
I just got Windows 7 Ultimate installed and I have a few question since I jumped in from XP.

When I had XP I set the login screen to "classic" where it was a username/password prompt, not the "quick switch". Is there any way to do this in 7?

Also in XP I had "quick launch" bars at the top of either screen, on for My Computer and one for actual quick launch items, I can't seem to be able to drag them from the regular tool bar up to the top to create these bars, any ideas?
There is no 'classic' login with Vista and 7 unfortunately... on a domain, I would prefer it, but unfortunately, you have to hit 'switch user'.

Secondly... quick launch is history. Get used to the new 'superbar' it's much better.
There is no 'classic' login with Vista and 7 unfortunately... on a domain, I would prefer it, but unfortunately, you have to hit 'switch user'.

Secondly... quick launch is history. Get used to the new 'superbar' it's much better.

Ok, changed the login background image and user image, I'll deal with it.

This superbar is neat, but I want more than one!
As far as I know, detachable toolbars are gone in 7.

I don't like this news. I'm doing my best with what I have. I wish I could pin items on my right monitor tool bar with UltraMon, what would help lots.
I'm surprised to find some many Hardforum users asking this kind of question. Why are some even upgrading to Windows 7 to go and turn back the UI improvements? Especially when they improve productivity.
I'm surprised to find some many Hardforum users asking this kind of question. Why are some even upgrading to Windows 7 to go and turn back the UI improvements? Especially when they improve productivity.
You're right. Microsoft should become Apple and give us exactly what they think we want and need.
Well, it's the opposite that's true. People at the [H] are the ones more likely to tweak anything at all. The average user accepts whatever Microsoft sets as default.
Telling other people how they should want their layout, icons, etc. is a lesson in futility - different people like different things. I don't get why people here have been so vehement about trying to convince others that the new win7 taskbar is superior, just accept that some people won't like it.

With that said, the OP should install rocketdock, problem solved?
When I installed Win7, I forced myself to work with it the way MS set it up, and I've really grown to like it alot.
Add me to that list as well. I didn't like the toolbar and taskbar during the early betas, but I've grown to love...no...adore it.