Quick use for the HAF 932 fill port, and filter questions...


Jan 17, 2006
I just got a HAF 932 AMD edition, although I'm not a fan of phenom I did like the red color on the case... So far I like it, a lot of space to work with.

First thing I did was put the fill port to use, i'm sure a lot of people have done it already but I ran usb cables from the back through the water cooling ports and now I can charge my cellphone on the top of my case or connect my dslr camera there :p

here are a couple of pics:


The question I had, this case has ZERO dust filters... before going out and buying some, does anybody with another HAF case know how long it takes for dust to gather so much that it needs some cleaning?

doesnt really matter what brand the case is. if you have large intake fans it will suck in dust. it really depends on your environment as to how long it will take.i had to clean my old 900 about every 2 months. my 1200 has filters so i can go alot longer. ive actually not had to blow out my case since i got it. the filters need to be cleaned every month or 2. imo get some kind of filters. itll save you so much work.