quick NAS question regarding green drivers


Mar 23, 2010

im building a nas for HTPC stream and audio / picture playback around the house.

something that has been bugging me:
I have 1 x 2TB Samsung spinpoint HD204UI, the spin time is 10 seconds and then the drive spins back down again after a period of time. Thats will be no problem for use as a backup drive for the main storage array with scheduled backups but im concerned that as a main storage drive that could be problematic?
my reasoning for this concern is that watching (buffering) a movie that the drive will go to sleep again and the movie will pause. Of course i would like the nas software to keep the drive awake more often but then this can defeat the object of saving energy and balancing that with a quick directory lookup.

would it be better to start the build with non green drives for storage and just use green for backup so the drive wakes up quick and gets to the data fast?
The HD204UI, like pretty much every modern drive, allows you to set the idle spindown time. I have two of them and I have mine set to 30 minutes.
ok, thanks for the reply im not sure if freenas allows for such control? when watching a movie after 30 mins the disc will have spun down in my experience