Quick homenet work Q


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2002
We have a home net work with a wireless router, ever thing works great! i have a server and my main rig hooked up to it with network wires, but my moms laptop is wireless. My server has a printer and she needs to print so I gave her a login to my server so she can send it to it to print. The problem is she forgets how to login and do it all, is there anyway to when the computer starts it logs in to my server automaticly and she can print? She allso has to use the computer for work and it auto logs in to the network, I was looking around to auto log in to the home network but the way to do it is the way they have it set up for her at work. The os is win2k, i was wondering if there was away to get her comp to log in to my computer and still have the option for her work becuz i cant remove it, thanks!
any reason why the username and password on the server can't be the same as her regular username and password?
BriguyNJ said:
any reason why the username and password on the server can't be the same as her regular username and password?

true i might as well do that lol - but the network at work is a diff domain name then here, i am wondering how can i set up the computer to login here on my domain and keep the one domain from her work
I think all you need to do is authenticate just once to your home network...I pretty much assume you have the printer attached to your server and then shared out.

Make a batch file that she can double-click and authenticate to your network. Right-click the desktop and select New Text File. Name it what you want, and then open it up in Notepad. Now we just add one line to authenticate her to the network:

net use \\servername\IPC$ /user:yourdomain\herusername

This should prompt for her password. If you want to just "hardcode" the password, add the password at the end of the line: ....\herusername password

Save the file, and rename it from textfile.txt to textfile.bat. Double-click it to test it.

If your wireless network is secured, you *could* just set the printer share to allow EVERYONE access.
LonerVamp said:
I think all you need to do is authenticate just once to your home network...I pretty much assume you have the printer attached to your server and then shared out.

Make a batch file that she can double-click and authenticate to your network. Right-click the desktop and select New Text File. Name it what you want, and then open it up in Notepad. Now we just add one line to authenticate her to the network:

net use \\servername\IPC$ /user:yourdomain\herusername

This should prompt for her password. If you want to just "hardcode" the password, add the password at the end of the line: ....\herusername password

Save the file, and rename it from textfile.txt to textfile.bat. Double-click it to test it.

If your wireless network is secured, you *could* just set the printer share to allow EVERYONE access.


'If your wireless network is secured, you *could* just set the printer share to allow EVERYONE access'

how would you do that? the printer is connected to the server