Quick Help Needed: Keep Asus Rampage III Extreme or Order up MSI Big Bang Xpower?


Apr 9, 2009
I ordered in this Asus Rampage III Extreme that I have not opened, and set up a return to Amazon.

I want to order up a MSI Big Bang Xpower instead.

I just want to know, does anyone think I am making a massive mistake?

I think the MSI will cool better, and I like the PCI E slots, very forward thinking. I like the looks better too. Plus I was thinking of getting 2 MSI Cyclone GTX460s, it would be cool to have these products match colors and brands. I think Asus has the better bios, but has MSI improved? Run down any other thoughts that might help me decide, I'm returning today like, but I can always reorder any board. I lost like 10 dollars max for return shipping, that's it. My sound card choice is currently the Asus Xonor Essence STX.
The one thing that scares me about MSI motherboards is that huge button at the edge of the motherboard that will silently and automatically apply some sort of overclocking - that's got to be the worst design 'feature' since the keyboard power off button. I also don't like the lack of a PCI slot - certain cards, such as 802.11 or IDE controllers, are hard to find in PCIe. And the use of nothing but PCIx16 slots seems kind of annoying - personally, I would probably forget which is which and have to try to read the labels.

On the whole, though, I can't imagine being disappointed with either of those motherboards.
You sent REX back over MSI? Don't know if this was good! I guess you will find out. :D
well, I've read enough glowing reviews to go ahead and get the MSI. I'm good on this one. I don't mind the lack of PCI, we need to go forward with stuff, I hate clinging to old stuff. I'll vote with my dollars, and hopefully they will come out with PCIE stuff.
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I dont think you will hate either. They are both great boards based on some trustworthy reviews. I think for the money the MSI is a good bet and feature wise is a winner.
Ahhh, I caved. I'm reordering the Asus Rampage III Extreme. Canceled the MSI order. Safety in numbers, everyone loves the Asus board.
I throw them a ton a business, I pay for shipping both ways, and the products where unopened. I'm sure Amazon's bottom line is ok.