Quick Eyefinity question


Nov 26, 2013
Is portrait bezel correction fixed yet in the AMD R9 drivers? (I have a 290X)

Also if hooking up 3x 144hz monitors on one card you would use 2 dual-link DVI's and one display port, correct? I remember hearing that HDMI can't support 144hz but I just want to double check.

I haven't even opened up the boxes to my other two VG248QE's yet because I heard about the portrait bezel correction problem when the 290x's first debuted. Hopefully it's fixed now.

Thank you :)
Is portrait bezel correction an issue people are actually having? I couldn't find much information about it. I'm having that issue with my 290x Xfire setup.
Is portrait bezel correction an issue people are actually having? I couldn't find much information about it. I'm having that issue with my 290x Xfire setup.

Are you still experiencing this issue? I'm considering getting a few 290X Lightning's when they drop but I hope this issue has been fixed by now.