Questions regarding 2405


Apr 22, 2005
The drawbacks of LCDs are so very frustrating.

If I were to grab a 2405, would it be able to handle games adequately? Games like HL2 and its addons. Would it be able to play DVDs well and double as a television owing to its HD capabilities?

The thought of a 24" widescreen LCD appeals to me immensely, but I'm afraid I'll discover the quality to be garbage after many years of CRT usage. Please comment if the 2405 was your first LCD.
Whoa whoa whoa! LOL Garbage? :p

LCD's have come so far it is hard to notice the difference between image quality between the two. I say go for it. My 20.1" should be here tomorrow and I can't wait. As for your concerns about playing games and DVDs... no problems at all. :) The majority of today's DVDs are in the widescreen format, so they will look great. And the same thing goes for games. HL2 supports full widescreen, so be prepared to be amazed by the quality of it. And don't let the low price fool you. You're getting more than your money's worth.
Thanks for the response. Outside of games supporting widescreen dimensions, what of ghosting issues and the like? A friend of mine has a 19" LCD. While gaming, playing FPSs in particular, his screen blurs. Should I expect this with the 2405?
The better question is will your PC be able to handle pushing those games at 1920x1200?

The monitor is great, I love mine.
Do you play FPSs?

Oh, and I'm rocking an amd 64 3200+ with an x850xt. That enough power for a 2405?
Acaid said:
Oh, and I'm rocking an amd 64 3200+ with an x850xt. That enough power for a 2405?

All depends on the game. If you can run 1600x1200 smoothly than 1920x1200 might be just fine. On some games though I suspect you will have to lower the aa to hit 1920x1200.
Yeah, but at the higher resolutions, AA isn't as necessary. 1920x1200 will look beautiful even with 0x or 2xAA. I would envy you, I know. I feel sure lots of others on here would envy you too.
I don't think you'll be disappointed. The 2405 is my first LCD. I'm using it for gaming, HDTV, and DVDs. All three look quite good.

I can't speak to FPS gaming, since I don't do it, but WOW looks stunning, DVDs look very good, and HDTV looks fantastic at the proper viewing distance.

Things look just as good, and mostly better than they did on my CRT.

Personally, unless you're doing photo editing or all FPS all the time (someone else will have to speak to that), I'd say you're a-okay.

I'm running a 5900XT with NO issues on WOW, playing at 1920x1200.

If you don't mind a 92.6 lb monster on your desk you could always pick up a used Sony GDM-FW900 24" widescreen CRT. I snagged one on eBay some months back for a bit under $500 (shipped). I run it at 1920x1200@90Hz on the desktop, and as high as I can go in games. HL2 runs nicely at 2304x1440@75Hz no AA/8xAF on my 6800GT.

These beasts do have some quirks and annoyances. It weighs close to 100 lbs. It sucks down over 100W of power. The integrated USB 1.1 hub powers off when you turn off the monitor. You'll probably have to manually add the 2304x1440 modes. Mine doesn't like the cold. If it's cool in the room when I fire it up it'll be blurry for a few minutes until it warms up. At least it's crystal clear once it's warmed up, and the screen is truely flat.
Personally I think it's the ultimate monitor for gaming and watching video, unless the black stripes on the sides bother you when watching a 4:3 TV program or playing a game that doesn't support widescreen.
Thanks for the replies.

I may look into those widescreen CRTs.

I'd still like to hear from someone who plays FPSs on a 2405, however. I know you're out there--please share your experiences.
I play a lot of Battlefield 1942 (2 now) and CS:S. I don't notice any blurriness at all when I do quick turns, and everything looks so much better. 1900x1200 at 4xAA 4xAF is wonderful on the source engine!

I also play PS2 games and Halo2 whenever my friends come over with the xbox (the 2405 is bigger than my TV lol).

As for DVDs and video, I preferred my 19" CRT just because all the videos I have are not encoded in a high enough resolution. Everything looks blocky and... well, generally bad when it's enlarged from 640x360 to 1900x1080.

I'd say it's well worth the $850, even though I had to finance a bit of it.
2405 is my first lcd, after 10 years of crt'ness ill tell you what I thought.

Image quality is sharper than crt, and more clear, colors aren't perfect but they are vibrant.

The 60hz refresh might or might not bother you, if your looking at a full screen of grey or white you will probably notice it, depends how sensitive your eyes are.

Blacks are pretty black with the 2405, but shadows on the other hand, sometimes looks strange, if there is a mixture of color and really dark shadow you kind of get this strange effect of the shadow standing out, like its reflective, go to best buy and look at the shadows on their lcd's.

Viewing angle is horrible, maybe 20 degrees and the picture starts to fade, this might be annoying with a 24" since you cannot view the whole 24 inches at the same angle at the same time at arms distance. I also have slight bleeding problem with mine at the corners, I think they are all like that with some bieng less noticible than others, but i think every lcd has this problem.

DVD's on the 2405, horrible unless your sitting at least 6-10 feet from it, but its kind of expected at 1920 resolution.

Playstation 2, 480i is actually not that bad, its not good, but its not as bad as you think, you can actually adjust sharpness similar to dscaler or those vga box's. 480p for ps2 is ok, ps2 graphics suck so I can't really say how good 480p is on this monitor, grand turismo on 1080i didn't look that great, but imo i think its just the game. But this monitor shouldn't be used for 2nd gen consoles, only 3rd gen 1080p consoles. Overal its playable, just dont sit too close or you will see artifacts in 480i.

Battlefield 2 is amazing, on 1920 res is smooth, with a 6800gt. Widescreen really makes a difference, especially when flying jets and helicopters where you need to see the sides.As for AA, don't even need it at 1920 but I havent tried it, it probably wont run that smooth short of SLI.

As for my eyes, they dont hurt anymore, my 19inch crt was a pupil killer, it buzzed, was bright it felt like it was contaminating my room. Lcd's definately feel better for the eyes.

So far I havent seen any dead pixels, and im not gonna use a pixel hunter; ignorance is bliss.

Compared to crt, image quality isnt what bothers me, its backlight issues and the poor viewing angle, color is actually good compared to crt. I will never go back to crt, everytime i use a crt I have a fear that its gonna explode in my face, its just too bulky. I would rather have the apple cinema display, because of the good viewing angle, but no im not paying 2g's for 1 monitor, maybe in 5 years when i have money.

This monitor is great, usb, firewire, compact flash reader which i use all the time, component, 1080p. When xbox360 and ps3 come out you wont regret having this monitor for only 900 -1k bux.

Sorry I forgot to mention ghosting, because i notice none. I play CS:S, BF2, UT 2004, dont notice ghosting, even crt's have ghosting. There probably is some, but I noticed none and this is my first lcd after a life time of crt usage.

So, worst viewing angle ever! other than that its perfect.

Athlon 3500+ (2.42ghz 220)
1gb kingston valueram
Geforce 6800 GT 256 PCIE
davez82 said:
The 60hz refresh might or might not bother you, if your looking at a full screen of grey or white you will probably notice it, depends how sensitive your eyes are.

davez82, could you elaborate on this please? Isn't 60hz refresh rate a known limitation for the LCD panels in general? Is it because it really is a limit(in other words, it is too difficult/impossible to manufacture a LCD with higher refresh rate?) or it doens't have to refresh as fast as CRTs(at least 75hz or higher) to keep the flickering at the tolerable level for eyes?
Also why a full screen of grey or white will make it worse for eyes? Is it because too much brightness or something else?
I am asking you these becaue, with one day of using this monitor(received 2405 yesterday) I am getting some headache. It doesn't exactly make my eyes hurt but somehow staring on this monitor for a quite a while is giving me a rather bothersome headache. Not too terrible but quite bothersome. I was thinking maybe this is connected to the low refresh rate although I don't notice any flickering. :confused:
Would anyone happen to know anything about this? Could it be the sheer size of the screen too close to my eyes? But I tried looking at it at different distances. My background is grey now. Could it be the somewhat excessive brightness? I turned it down a bit too.
I bought this thinking it would be much easier on my eyes but instead it gives me headache. Help me folks. I happen to sit in front of a monitor for a long time and code all the time. I had no problem watching a 19 inch Dell LCD monitor for hours at a very close distance at school lab.

Thanks in advance for any input.
LCD flicker? I've never noticed them to, and anything less than 85Hz on most CRTs makes me crazy. The refresh is just how fast they can change.
The ms rating of LCD monitors is not a constant number. Your LCD will still get screen updates at whatever refresh rate you set it at, but its ability to render those frames is only limited by its response time. LCDs change colors at different speeds depending on what colors are being changed to and from. Of course, since there's always different colors onscreen, this means not all pixels on the screen will necessarily be changing at the same rate, though the screen will be trying to update the whole frame as fast as it gets it from the video card. The net effect is that in usual circumstances, the pixels are changing state in more than 1/60 of a second, so they tend to lag behind the refresh. On the fastest LCDs, it might be imperceptible depending on your eyes. The idea is that just about every LCD monitor still doesn't make full use of 60Hz, so there's no real reason to drive it further to 75Hz or beyond to improve appearance. In fact, on an LCD, it doesn't really matter since there's no flicker, and it'll still look smooth at 60Hz. You'll really only run 75Hz and higher on an LCD for gameplay purposes.
zandor said:
LCD flicker? I've never noticed them to, and anything less than 85Hz on most CRTs makes me crazy. The refresh is just how fast they can change.

LCDs don't flicker, they are always on. The refresh rate is just the rate at which the signal syncs with the graphics card.
thanks for the explanation.

man, then what's causing this headache? yes, I slept enough last night and this morning.
try turning the brightness down, i was getting slight headaches till I turned mine down.
How big of a problem is the viewing angle on the 2405fpw? I'f I'm sitting 10 feet back watching a DVD on it, how far out of line can I be before the picture starts to fade? I don't want to drop $900 on a monitor if it can't do PC games, DVDs, consoles, etc. Thanks.
your probably too close , try at least arms distance or even 1.5 if that doesnt work. Turning down the brightness helps, if I have daylight through my window i usually leave it bright, at night when its dark i dim the monitor pretty dark, i have preset configs with the nview properties that I can change in the taskbar. Actually with my 19inch crt I was getting eyestrain really bad, even at 100hz, those things radiate too much energy, but this is my first lcd and my eyestrain has gone down which is great. But try dimming your monitor, it might just be your eyes are sensitive. Turn off the lights in your room and look how much light the monitor gives out, its a lot.

How long do you stare at the monitor before getting a headache. Its probably too close to you, 24 inch is huge. Can't imagine 30 inches, gotta stand across the room to use that. But I wouldnt set my desktop to grey or all white, especially if you notice refresh flicker.
Thanks, davez82 for advice. It WAS from the brightness and distance I'm pretty sure. I looked into the 2405 color/brightness setting thread and tried and recommended setting and I pushed back the monitor little more than my arm's length from my face. Now, I don't get the headaches.
The headache BTW was persistant once it started even if I took some break and got out of my room.
Now, I think I am enjoying this monitor as I expected and as others have said. :) Just one thing that's bothering me. A red stuck pixel in the center area. Since I know it's there I get automatically reminded everytime I turn it on. I am debating whether to go through replacement process or not....

Anyway, well, thanks again dave, for caring ;)