Questions about the HP 2710m 27-inch Monitor

Aug 5, 2005
Hi, I was thinking of purchasing the HP 27" Monitor. Is the HP 2710m 27-inch a good monitor? I'm looking for a monitor with excellent colors. Does the 92% Color Gamut really show or is it a marketing gimmick?

This monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080 resolution. What's the difference between a monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200 and a monitor that is 1920x1080?

I don't have the greatest eye sight. I read that this lcd has larger pixels. Does that mean that text and everything onscreen is going to be larger?

Are there any downside to that? on the 27" Will everything onscreen including text be as large as the text on a 17" or 19" monitor?

Any info is greatly appreciated
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Yes, everything will be a bit bigger, and you'll get a bit more space than a 17 or 19 inch monitor.

The only downside is be that text won't be as sharp as a 2560x1440 monitor, but it will be a lot larger.
I appreciate the help. I'd be grateful if you guys could answer my other questions. Thanks
Hi, I was thinking of purchasing the HP 27" Monitor. Is the HP 2710m 27-inch a good monitor? I'm looking for a monitor with excellent colors. Does the 92% Color Gamut really show or is it a marketing gimmick?

This monitor has a resolution of 1920x1080 resolution. What's the difference between a monitor with a resolution of 1920x1200 and a monitor that is 1920x1080?

I don't have the greatest eye sight. I read that this lcd has larger pixels. Does that mean that text and everything onscreen is going to be larger?

Are there any downside to that? on the 27" Will everything onscreen including text be as large as the text on a 17" or 19" monitor?

Any info is greatly appreciated

hi Stuey,

I think you will like this monitor a lot. I spent a fair amount of time testing out this monitor in my local store. The screen is very large and the resolution will be just fine for your needs.

The text on this monitor will be very large, as it will be on any 27" monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080. I would think that it would be larger than text on a 17" or 19" monitor provided they are using their normal resolutions. What size monitor are you using now and what resolution are you running?

This monitor does have a glossy screen so if you are going to be using this monitor in a brightly-lit room or a room with a lot of sunlight, you might want to check out some other 27" monitors with the 1920x1080 resolution that have an anti-glare coating.

I found this to be an excellent monitor with really great color. It faired very well with the LCD monitor tests I used against it.
Hi, Thanks for the help guys. I'm currently using a 24" Monitor at a resolution of 1920x1200
I appreciate the help. Will the text be the only thing on screen that's larger or will everything be larger?
Everything will be larger, since its the same amount of pixels as your current 24" display (less actually), but the size of the screen is larger. Thus, the pixels will be larger.

I honestly don't see why you would want a larger screen with even a slightly lower resolution than what you currently have. In my eyes thats a downgrade, unless you really need everything to be a few percent larger.
I appreciate the help. I'm just curious but what are the negatives of having a lower resolution in a larger monitor?

Is this not a good monitor?
I appreciate the help. I'm just curious but what are the negatives of having a lower resolution in a larger monitor?

Is this not a good monitor?

Choice is highly subjective. What are you using now and what do you like/dislike about it.

It appears that this monitor is has a glossy screen, which means it will have the positive appearing clear/vibrant, but the downside of showing strong sharp reflections. I personally don't like the reflective screens, but some people love them.

Lower resolution in a bigger monitor, the only negative is your pixels will be more visible. But Text will be more readable.

1920x1200 vs 1920x1080, well 1200 vertical gives you more vertical pixels to work with, so I prefer that.
Hi, I translated the review site but I still don't see where it was given a poor score.

Let me rephrase my question. What's the best Glossy monitor in the 24"-27" size? I prefer glossy monitors as I own the NEC 2490 and the 24" Apple Cinema Display and I prefer the colors on the apple display vs the NEC.

I'm looking for a display where the colors pop.

I'm getting a display for the new computer I plan on purchasing. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
A good monitor will score ++ in most categories. The 2710 gets the lowest score a monitor on PRAD can get. There are many other higher reivewed TN panels.

The best Glossy TN is the Acer G245H which I linked above. Not only is it cheap but it has very vibrant color, accurate presets and better screen uniformity compared to the expensive gimmick LED monitors like the Samsung PX2370.
Thanks for the advice. I will defenitely consider the Acer G245Hbmid. One question, will text and everything on screen be as large as on the HP 27" display?
Thanks for the advice. I will defenitely consider the Acer G245Hbmid. One question, will text and everything on screen be as large as on the HP 27" display?

No it won't. Its the same resolution but a smaller size so the pixels will be smaller. text won't be as large but it will be a little sharper.
Also if you allready a display a 27" isn't ideal for a dual display set up. I had a 27" before and found I had to move everything back to be able to view both monitors properly.
What about the HP 2509m 25-Inch? What do the reviews say for the 25"? Is that display just like the 27 inch? Will the text be sharper on the 25" vs the 27"? Thanks guys
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Let me rephrase my question. What's the best Glossy monitor in the 24"-27" size? I prefer glossy monitors as I own the NEC 2490 and the 24" Apple Cinema Display and I prefer the colors on the apple display vs the NEC.

These are both high quality IPS monitors with excellent viewing angles. After using these it will probably be a come down to use a TN screen.

But I can't think of any glossy high quality (IPS/VA) screen with bigger pixels, unless maybe you consider going a fair bit bigger to a 32 inch TV.

Something like this(though I am not sure it is glossy, it reported to have good clarity):
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What about the HP 2509m 25-Inch? What do the reviews say for the 25"? Is that display just like the 27 inch? Will the text be sharper on the 25" vs the 27"? Thanks guys

What is it that you are really trying to achieve? Are you looking to replace one of you 24" IPS screens, are you currently using both together? Are you looking to add this to the mix?

25" is not much of difference if you are looking to increase text size or monitor size.
Monitor 1 is your current, Monitor 2 is what you end up with.

Again this is a TN screen very inferior to what you have now. TN screen shift gamma top to bottom in a very pronounced way, that after owning IPS screens you will find quite annoying.
This background should be the same shade of blue top to bottom, but TN screens shift:

Also others really aren't using the correct terminology on text. Text on LCDs is sharp, the bigger the pixels, the sharper it gets. Text on my 37" LCD TV is ultra sharp. What it isn't is smooth. Because the pixels are big. But it is nice big, sharp and readable.

So Again, what are you trying to achieve.
Hi Snowdog, I plan on purchasing a glossy monitor for a new computer I plan on building soon. My Mac Pro and apple cinema display will go in another room. I would like a monitor where the colors "pop" and I would like a monitor that has an eye catching style as well (to show off).

I don't plan on using 2 monitors for 1 computer. I would prefer if the monitor has larger text as I don't have the greatest eyesight which is why I was favoring the HP 27" display.

But I don't mind going with the HP 25" display if it's a great monitor and if I can increase the DPI on Windows 7 to make everything larger.

How Does the DPI function in Windows 7 work as compared with Windows Vista? Is it the same or better?

Overall I have no recommendations. I can't really think of anything that fits that bill and has good quality (unless possibly something like the previous TV I mentioned).

DPI control hasn't really improved much, if at all in Win7. Support in applications is hit and miss. Different applications do different things.

Here is a test I did:

Actual latest Microsoft applications generally behave decently, but older, and third party applications are all over the place, many do software zoom like the Opera Browser in the example, which blurs everything, even the menus.
Are there any stores that I could purchase the 27" HP Monitor from to try it out for a period of time and then return it if I don't like it?