Question using PS3 on a monitor


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2006
I was looking at getting a Acer G245H monitor to use for xbox/ ps3 gaming. I know the xbox scales everything to 1080p, but what will happen to the image from the PS3 if it's in 720p? Will it shrink the picture or fill the screen and if it fills is it going to look bad since it's not native rez? I currently play on a Samsung 1080p dlp but am looking at getting the monitor and a headset for late night gaming. Thanks.
You can change the settings via the XMB to display only 720p.

Most monitors are compliant these days, but make sure whatever monitor you buy supports HDCP.
Thanks for the response. I realize I can set it to 720p but what I meant was the monitor is 1080p native and not all PS3 games display in 1080, only 720. I was wondering how the monitor would handle the 720p.