Question on q6600 and 4850


Mar 23, 2007
Ok my 4850 is not folding, I am folding on all 4 cores. Can i kick in the 4850 also. I have not had a lot of luck getting it going seems everything crawls to a hault.
Thanks for any info that might help.
I am assuming the 4850 would do more work than the q6600?
I am assuming the 4850 would do more work than the q6600?

It all depends which protiens you can get on what.

A silly question but is anything overclocked ??
Which version of Windoze ??

The ATI core needs a empty CPU core to feed the GPU core.
A 4850 will do around 2,000 PpD on the older protiens and around 4,000 PpD on the newer ones.

Now its a question of what you run on the other 3 CPU core.
Easiest setup is just run 3x comsole clients but that has the lowest PpD.
After that is just run a SMP client locked to 3 CPU cores, but you may have trouble keeping it locked to 3 cores.
After that you need to start looking at into VM's with Linux clients inside them.
Run one VM on 2 CPU core and a console client on the third.
Run 2x VM's on 3 CPU cores, this combo would probably max your PpD with the new A2 core SMP units. At around 3.2 Ghz you could get 3,000-4,000 PpD from 2x VM's on 3 CPU cores.

Running only 2x VM's on a Q6600 @3.2 Ghz will net you 4,000-5,000 PpD depending on Protien.

Luck ............ :D
I have a 9850 Phenom Black with a Vmware SMP and a 4850 running,since its my main box I leave one cpu core Folding free and it runs great! And the 4850 does way more work,but points and work dont always matchup lol I get around 3400PPD on the new stuff and sometimes only half that on the old, I'd guess about 2500 Avg
Nothing is over clocked.
XP 32
Ok i'll play around and see what happens.

Brotherman (cp454) you said you already had a e8400 cpu, right? I don't know if you can fold SMP and GPU2 on a dual core cpu. (but if it's possible or worth it you can "take it to the bank" someone on this forum knows the best way, just ask) :)

I could be wrong about what I said above, but if I'm not, you could only run 1x GPU2 client and 1x regular client :( I haven't done a regular client in "many moons" so I really have no ideer what their ppd is, but I'm sure it's much less than SMP'ing or GPU2'ing. ;)

I do know what a cheap (~$80 at the egg w/MIR) easy to OC' the shaders EVGA 8800gs 384 MB GPU's ppd is because I have one. It's in one of my 24/7 ,OC' mildly to 3.0 GHz Q6600's, the quad is on stock everything except the FSB ( I'm lazy) It runs on core three (3) by default and with the shaders at 1745, the fan on "fixed duty cycle" 80% it gets in the range of 4500 and above pernts a day. (ppd) :p

I have also read, heard, and almost dreamed that the 9600gso is a carbon copy of the 8800gs (in other words a rebrand, but has some minor improvements and believe me I did some "heavy duty" research to find out for sure) and you can get one of those for $89.99 with no freakin' MIR at the egg, the only thing is I don't know the reliability, quality or warranty of a ECS GPU. :confused:

Good luck with whatever you do.

Edit: I just noticed this a XFX 8800GS XXX 384MB on the egg for $89.99 and free shippin'. (also with no MIR)


ATI needs it own core, if you run anything else on the core being used by the GPU client it will slow way down !

9600gso only 16SP's so I dunno !