Question in moving programs to new computer.


Limp Gawd
Sep 2, 2009
I currently have a Raid 0 SSD and a 3TB hard drive that contains large programs like steam, microsoft office, etc. Also using windows 8.

I currently have a X58 motherboard and hope to upgrade to the Z87.

I know that it is best to install a fresh copy of windows 8 when I upgrade. What would be the best way to transfer some personal files and settings to the new computer?
There is windows easy transfer wizard for settings and data from your profile. As for programs I have tried in the past to use programs that claimed to be able to move application installs but for they all failed to do what they claimed. Although I would be interested in seeing if any of these work..
Not sure how to migrate it considering that I am hoping to use the same Raid 0 drives, but with a new motherboard and cpu.

Since I have to setup the raid 0 again in the new setup all current data will be erased and I dont think backing it up is any good since there will be driver issues if I try to restore from it. Im looking for a way to possibly use the programs installed on the 3TB drive after a new windows 8 installation on the raid 0 drives.
Im looking for a way to possibly use the programs installed on the 3TB drive after a new windows 8 installation on the raid 0 drives.

Most applications will not work without properly being installed in the OS that you are running (even when you install the dependent dlls) since most applications add entries to the registry which will not be there on a new install.
Buy 1 more drive the same size as current drives. Create the array or setup on the new drive then I would use Acronis to make a copy of your current drive to your new drive. Expand the new drive in Windows so you have all your space then let windows updates grab your Drivers.

PS: You may need the drivers for your wireless or NIC card on a usb or disc.