Question: How to take pictures of xray/mri's

macro lens, one part of the xray/mri at a time(since its fairly high res). . backlight ONLY. tripod.
you might need to build a lightbox kind of thing like doctors use.
You need a lightbox and a tripod, or a flatbed scanner with a slide/negative scanning attachment that covers the whole bed (backlighting it).
You can request your MRI on a CD. I have a copy of an MRI I had done on CD. I got the CD about a year after the MRI, I just asked my doc if I could get it.
With a lamp inside a box
that has its top cut out
and has a glass piece on it
which has thin white peaper behind it
which has the mri/xrays on top of it

tun off other lights
mount a tripod above the box
and point the camera at the mri/xray

dont do a long exposure/flash for it might overexpose and kill the detail of the image