Question for European members about GPS units


Jun 2, 2008
I'm about to take a job in Britain that will have me rotating between the UK and the US every 4-6 months or so.

I'm searching for a decent GPS solution that will perform well in Europe but will also enable to me to switch to US maps when I come back to the US. In addition to just UK and US maps, I plan to do some travelling in Europe, so the ability to load maps for other reigions (France, Spain, Germany, Austria, etc...) is also of some importance.

It is my preference to use SD cards to swap maps instead of having to tether to my laptop, but I'll take any feedback I can get. Also, traffic data is really of no concern to me, so I hope that will simplify this process for me.

If you have a GPS-enabled smartphone and a half-decent data plan you can use something like Mapquest Navigator. It's a server-based navigation system. You won't need to worry about downloading and keeping maps up-to-date as they are pulled from the server real time.

The down-side is that it won't work if you lose your network connection. The upside is that the maps are always up to date and you don't need a separate dedicated GPS unit.