Question for a friend...


Dec 16, 2005
Hello all,

I want to make it clear before I ask this question, that I am doing so for a friend... personally this issue, is a non-issue to me however I looked into it and couldn't find an answer for him, so I come to the experts... :)

My friend got a new computer recently and everytime he used to click on a link in internet explorer, open a folder in windows explorer, or my computer he would hear a "click" sound. and now all of a sudden he says it has stopped doing that. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to get that "click" sound to come back? Apparantly he finds it comforting... personally I think it is accutely annoying, but hey it's not for me!

Thank you all,
controll panel > sounds and audio devices???

either that or he could try turning up his volume....hehehe....j/k (but seriously he should try that too)
Yep...first thing I would have said would be to turn up the volume, or not play other sounds over it (like music/movies).

Otherwise, maybe the sound has been disabled? Go to the Control Panel setting XxMe_LoCoxX said (Sounds and Audio Devices) and then go to the "Sounds" tab. Scroll down to "Start Navigation" and see if it has a sound associated with it (should have a speaker symbol next to it if it does).

If it doesn't have a sound associated, open the Sounds box and scroll to "Windows XP Start.wav." That'll be the sound (s)he knows and loves.

Hopefully, that's helpful.