Question: Car audio into Computer audio?


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2002
I was wondering if I could make a set of subwoofers, 6x9s, an amp, and a car CD player into some computer speakers. What I was thinking was using a PSU (400w) to power the CD player and the amp. Hook the amp to the subs, and then hook the CD player up to the PSU. Have audio out from the soundcard into the CD player and use the RCA outputs of the CD player to go into the amp. Then the speaker outs would go to the 6x9s.

Sound good? Would it work? Suggestions?

I have a 12" sub laying around the house and a spare CD player and all I would need is a box and then I'm set. :)
your main problem is going to be supplying the amplifier for the subwoofers with enough juice, in an auto application, alot more amperes are available for use via the battery/alternator, id look out for a home audio amp, that runs off of 110, to use for your subs, and use the psu to power the head unit.
You would need an converter/inverter to convert the 110 volt signal down to 12v.

Pointless if you ask me.

8 ohms > 4 ohms.

Just sell your spare shit and buy a power amp.
Honestly, why bother? Car subs are made and designed for enclosed spaces. Any home theater sub would anahilate a car sub of comparable size. Look at the sub on a Klipsch PM 2.1, its 6.5 inches, and if you've ever herd it, it is quite loud. Now imagine a 6.5 in car sub trying to keep up with that. Enough said.
Originally posted by hooting_monkey
Any home theater sub would anahilate a car sub of comparable size. Look at the sub on a Klipsch PM 2.1, its 6.5 inches, and if you've ever herd it, it is quite loud. Now imagine a 6.5 in car sub trying to keep up with that. Enough said.

Uh, you base this of what exactly? They are equal at best. A Klipsch 6.5 inch sub has crappy frequency response. Any half-decent car sub would have frequency response way better than a craptastic PC woofer.

Klipsch = good for the money. Nothing grand and fancy here.

The upper echelon of car audio/HT speakers are comparable at best.
It will sort of work...but your power supply isn't really going to like the large power might consider throwing a good Cap into there to help it out.

I've actually been doing something similar for a while just for the hell of it because I had the parts sitting around = $20 decent sounding subwoofer (for the money anyway).

Unless you build some sort of nifty enclosure for the PSU and amps, you will be annoyed by all the wires sitcking out all over the place. I highly recommend it.

You may also be annoyed by the fan on the PSU...options are to open the PSU box and let it just passively cool (and emit all sorts of EMI) or get a quieter fan for it.