Question about sleeving PSU's.


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I have the Enermax Noisetaker 600W PSU and was hoping someone can answer this question for me. Is 10' of 1/2" and 10' of 3/8" sleeving enough to sleeve the entire PSU? If not, how much more sleeving should I get and what sizes?

Get a ruler, measure each strand of wires leaving the PSU, add them all up and add 10-20% extra for error.
I would do what pico said... and then buy another 20% extra

If it's your first time sleeving a power supply, you'll probably mess up a bit of the sleeving between fraying or accidentally melting the stuff during heatshrink application.

I know I did the first time I did any sleeving :eek:
Thanks for the replies. I already have 10" of 1/2" and 10' of 3/8" was wondering if I needed more. Hopefully it will be enough. I'll just sleeve the most important wires first so if I do screw up, it won't be as bad.

Thanks again for the replies.
It really depends on the length of wiring, but I have actually done 2 power supplies with those standard quantity wire sleeving kits like Vantec sells and such. 10' is usually more than enough. Just be good on the wire shrink wrap...