Question about Seasonic S12 with Asus A8N32


Dec 19, 2005
Hi everyone. uber-newbie here (new to the forum, new owner of the a8n32, new pc builder!). I have a bunch of questions related to this board but i'll start with the first issue i noticed. hopefully someone smarter than me can explain this. I have:

Seasonic S12-600W psu

I have the S12's fan plugged to the motherboard's PWR connector. When I launch PC Probe (the tool that comes with the Asus utilities) it starts an alarm saying my PSU fan is too slow. It has the PSU farn rated at ~800 RPM. From what I understand the S12 is a quiet psu and doesn't speed up the fan unless things get really hot. Can I safely ignore this warning?

Thank you all for your help.
Yes, you can safely ignore the warning. It's temps you need to worry about not fan speed.

Obviously the two can be pretty closely linked, hence the reason the software alerts you to the fan being slow. So long as at that speed it is cooling what it needs to, there is no problem :)

I think you can alter the speed at which it alarms in the software, so it stops annoying you ;)

k that's what i thought, but like i said first time builder so i want to be sure i'm not going to melt the system. currently i'm running 40-41 deg celcius on the board and the cpu (according to ai booster).
It's a pretty standard issue. Just ignore or change the alarm's fan speed thresholds as others have pointed out.