Question about routers vs connection speed


Sep 25, 2004
After reading the thread about the "best" router out there, and looking at Tom's Hardware (TH) networking tests, I noticed that my router is probably pretty outdated.

For instance, on this "benchmarking" TH performed, my router (Linksys BEFSX41) put out 17mbps, which was pretty much near the bottom. There seemed to be MANY other routers out there pulling 100+.

So I was thinking it was time for a new router. However, then I thought, I have Road Runner's premium package, which is 8 Mb/s. So technically speaking, would this mean then that I'm NOT even pushing my router? Or is the WAN to LAN 17mbps different from my RR connection of 8mbps?

Basically, would I be wasting money if I bought one of todays "premium" routers if my connection is simply 8 Mbps?

Then again, I host a ventrilo server for a max of 4 clients . . . would a newer/better router help with either performance or bandwidth "management" as I usually host Vent while gaming . . .?

What about for simultaneous connections, such as BitTorrent? Often times when a patch comes out which is greater than 100-150mbs (such as BF2's 1.3), I'll turn to BT as I usually find it's faster. However, would a lot of connections from seeders or leechers require better bandwidth management or a beefier processor within the router? Or would I see no increase in speed as it's all limited by my connection?

Lastly, what role would my nic card play in this? I'm simply using the Marvel integrated Nic on my DFI motherboard. Is that fine with handling all of the above?

Any suggestions on what would allow me to get the most out of my 8mb/s connection is appreciated! I definitely want to make use of what I pay for!

Thank you!
I just upgraded from a befsx41 to a dgl-4100..
a very noticable increase for me...
lan is alot faster for file transfer between pc,s,
wan sped up too on both gigabit and 10/100 machines..
i was very satisfied...
am using cox cable 9megs...
Technically, if TH benchmarked it at 17mbps then you shouldn't, in theory, notice any speed increase if your cable connection is only 8mbps. You aren't filling up the bandwidth on the router. I suppose bittorrent could potentially be an issue with the number of connections.

You may see a slight increase in that instance but I don't think its worth the money. I recently upgraded from a Linksys WRT54G to a Cisco 871 and didn't notice any increase in speed out the WAN interface. Obviously the Cisco 871 is much more capable than the Linksys however my cable is only 5mbps down.
Depending on your firmware version too..for the good little sx41...1.45.7 is the best.
The sx41 was a good router...quite a bit faster than the common sr41 series. It's getting a bit long in the tooth now though..been around for a long time.

However..if properly setup, it should not be the bottleneck on your connection. Yes the tests done from WAN to LAN are "thoughput tests" that's what it can handle.

It will bog down with P2P software those will overwhelm "most" routers that are more than 1 year old. P2P software puts a whole different type of load on routers..totally irrelevant of just throughput speeds. Most of it is RAM related.

A wonderfully easy method to see just how much your router is slowing you to properly secure a PC..then plug that PC directly into your modem. Run a few benchmarks to get an average. Then get the router back in place...and benchmark (or benchmark first with the router in place). Now compare benchmarks.
jnick said:
what role would my nic card play in this? I'm simply using the Marvel integrated Nic on my DFI motherboard. Is that fine with handling all of the above?

Of course, a gigabit NIC is not going to be stressed at all with 8 Mb/s WAN bandwidth. But for gigabit LAN transfers (large transfers via direct wire or a GbE switch to another gigabit-capable computer on the local network) the other NIC on the MB (native nVIDIA with Vitesse PHY) might be better.