Question about RAID setup


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
Quick question, I did a search and couldn't find it.
Does a RAID configuration such as mirroring (RAID1) show two disk drives in the device manager or SIW? Or does it just show as one disk.

Thank you.
In device manager it usually shows it as 1 disk.

In the software that comes with the raid hardware you will be able to see both drives. In most RAID software you can see SMART info for the drives and change settings like NCQ and things of the such.
Thanks for the reply.
What do I have to do to see what type of RAID configuration the system is at, and what type of disks are invovled?

Do you know of a certain program?

Thanks again.
Find out what raid controller is being used. Is it an add in card? Is it going through the chipset? Then basically install the software for the corresponding raid controller.

If its running from an Intel chipset, then you'd just install the Intel Matrix software. If its running from a add in card, then you'd find the model of that card and download the software for it.
Thanks for the repy.
I think there was a misunderstanding.
This is a server, and the previous person told me that when they ordered it they were told that there was 3 hard drives in here mirroring each other.

I checked via SIW and device manager, and only saw one drive.

So I just want to know how I can check to see if there are truly 3 drives in the server or not.

Lost the invoice so....

Thank you.

anyway else?
it is such a hassle to open this server up...
and way way in the back...

thanks again.
I suppose you could go into the device manager to get an inkling of the hardware involved. Then you could ascertain whether or not you are dealing with actual factual hardware raid controllers, mobo raid drivers, or what.

But yea, even then...YMMV. If the wrong or generic drivers are installed, you're SOL. So best thing would be to crack that puppy open. Shesh, you dont need a static wrist guard, just ground yourself, dont do it on carpet, and touch the case to discharge any latent static. You'll be gravy.
thanks for the reply.
done it.

there are 6 - 34.6 gb hard drives in it, and one light seems to be out...
im assuming that is dead?

36.4*6 = 218.4gb...

but i only have in one drive under 'my computer' 108gb and the other 26gb...

what gives?

where is the rest 84gb?
Its probably partitioned. What OS is it running? The other 26gb could be another operating system that windows cannot see... ?
108 gigs sounds like you've got a three-disk raid 5 and a mirror and one disk unused (or in use as a hot spare).
raid 5...isn't that mirroring plus additional storage?
kinda like raid 1 and raid 0 put togther no?

sorry im a noob...

thanks again.