Question about in-game refresh rate options


Feb 20, 2003
So what purpose do refresh rate options serve from in-game menus?

For example, I use a 120 Hz display. In many games when they give you a resolution option, they give you refresh rate options too. Such as my GOTW, the Overwatch beta. I can choose 1920x1080 @ 119, 109, 99, and I forget how far down it goes but I'd expect a 60 option.

What would choosing a number under 119 give me?

Using 100% render and everything turned up, I'm getting 160-200 (call it 180) fps and was running at the 119 rate, made sense to me. Then I started trying out running at 150% render and I'd knock the AA down a notch and I'm running around 60s-110 fps (90s most of the time). I'd notice just a hint of not being smooth when moving around. For giggles I changed the refresh rate to 109 and it all seems fine to me.

Any drawbacks to this or best useage? Like would going to 99 make more sense in some way since 109 is really at it's high end in fps.