Question about HTT and overclocking and voltage


Jul 5, 2001
Ok i have been trying to get my max o/c out of my 4000+ San Diego so far this is the best.

255 x 11.0 = 2804GHz 1.525 vcore HTT setting at 800 MHz

now i have read being over 1000 MHz on your final HTT clock is bad, mine is running at 1020, so is 1020 going to hurt anything? or is this a small enough amout that everything should be ok.

What i would like to try and reach is

273 x 11.0 = 3000 HTT Setting at 600 MHz should give me a final HTT setting of 819

what do u think the chances are of 3000, and how much can i push the voltage for vcore?

and one last thing, my settings for my HTT for my A8V are 200 400 600 800 1000 now i am making the assumption this is asus's way of 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x for the HTT multiplier, correct?

Now i have done a lot of reading here and other sites and have been playing around trying to get max overclock but nothing beats hands on advice. anyother advice on voltage, memory settings to help would be great.

Thanks in advance.
Try 1020 and see if it's stable. If you're really worried you could set your HT to 255x3 (765) it won't make any noticeable difference in real-world apps/games.
well after posting i started running some tests all games were working great so i move to orthos and at 2804 it errors after about a minute of the cpu/ram stress test. so after playing around with things for the last while i have it stable at 2744 250 x 11 800 HTT orthos running for over a hour no errors. i tried 255 x 11 600 HTT with a error after one minute. so i am not sure if more voltage will do it, because temps only get to 50c on the cpu i may have reached the max for this cpu.
Final update

well i have tried everything and i can't get it to run stable over 250 x 11 HTT 800 i can get into windows and surf around what not but as soon as i load the system with game it locks up and any stress test, ORTHOS/PRIME95 errors out.

but on the plus side my AMD rig run circles around my Dell Intel rig when it comes to gaming.
Yeah, my X2 3800+ topped out at 2.7GHz as well. 2.8GHz required a stupid amount of voltage (1.6V) which I wasn't prepared to live with 24/7.
Yeah, my X2 3800+ topped out at 2.7GHz as well. 2.8GHz required a stupid amount of voltage (1.6V) which I wasn't prepared to live with 24/7.

yea i am in the same boat i took the voltage to 1.57 and it ran longer than it did at 1.55 and i felt the same way that 1.6 just wasn't something i was willing to do, i want to overclock but i don't want to kill anything either.