Question about a memory upgrade:


Oct 9, 2005
Hardforum users,

I currently have 2x512MB OCZ EL Platinum Rev 2 RAM. I now want to upgrade to 2GB, but I am wondering if buying better, different RAM will work out. Those OCZ sticks are PC3200. If I bought, say, G.Skill PC4800 2x512MB, would they work together? Would I be able to OC them further even while leaving the OCZ at its current OC?

Basically, is buying better, additional RAM than what I have already pointless?

Also, is it true that some mobos, e.g. my Asus a8n-sli premium, do not work well with 4 sticks? Or perhaps 4 sticks lowers max OC somehow? I think I remember reading about this when I built my box in December.

Lastly, is there an advantage to buying one more 1gb stick over two 512mb sticks? Would one option be better for OCing than the other?

Thanks in Advance,
1. probably
2. no, your oc will always be limited by the weakest link in the system
3. correct, unless you plan on going to 2x1gb and taking out what you have now
4. all a64 based boards don't really care for 4 sticks, since it's the memory controller in the a64 that has to drive all the sticks.. you'll have to raise command rate to 2T and possibly drop ram clocks to ddr333
5. no, 1gb stick with 2x512mb is a bad idea. 2x1gb on the other hand... ;)
Thanks Eclipse,

I'd really like to upgrade to 2GB of RAM, but the thought of tossing aside the OCZ sticks that once costed me 160 bucks throws me off. Is there any way to resell those sticks for a decent price?

I have about 650$ spare from working a summer job, and I'm willing to spend most of it on upgrading the rig seen in my signature. I know for a fact that I am going to purchase an Antec P180 case, as I need something much more quiet than my TT kandalf (maybe I can sell that as well...?).

That leaves me with about $500. I figure that the best use of that money is to upgrade to 2GB of ram, which, if I bite on the 2x1GB idea, may turn into a 200 dollar venture. I was planning on saving the leftover $300 for my next build (I have no idea when that will be).

Does anyone think that this is the best use of my funds for upgrades based on my system specs as shown below? Or should I just put it all aside for a later build? If so, when would the appropriate time for a new build be? Suggestions are welcome.

P.S. I know this is rather off topic for this forum, but I didn't want to start a new thread elsewhere as this still largely concerns my questions regarding a memory upgrade.

I'd really like to upgrade to 2GB of RAM, but the thought of tossing aside the OCZ sticks that once costed me 160 bucks throws me off. Is there any way to resell those sticks for a decent price?
well, you have two options then.
1. just go with 4x512mb, get two more sticks of what you have, take the ddr333 and command rate 2T hit (like 2-4% in most cases)
2. buy 2x1gb and sell the old sticks here in the FS/FT forum

I have about 650$ spare from working a summer job, and I'm willing to spend most of it on upgrading the rig seen in my signature. I know for a fact that I am going to purchase an Antec P180 case, as I need something much more quiet than my TT kandalf (maybe I can sell that as well...?).
cases are overrated.. and besides, it's not the case itself that is loud, but the fans

That leaves me with about $500. I figure that the best use of that money is to upgrade to 2GB of ram, which, if I bite on the 2x1GB idea, may turn into a 200 dollar venture. I was planning on saving the leftover $300 for my next build (I have no idea when that will be).
you can get nice 2x1gb for under $200 these days :D

Does anyone think that this is the best use of my funds for upgrades based on my system specs as shown below? Or should I just put it all aside for a later build? If so, when would the appropriate time for a new build be? Suggestions are welcome.
hm.. there's an interesting idea. sadly, anything you buy now won't really be able to be used for future stuff, as we're moving to ddr2, a new socket on the amd side, and conroe on the intel side. perhaps it's worth waiting to see what happens in the amd side of things when they go 65nm, and if it's nothing overly useful, consider a conroe system as an upgrade? :p

P.S. I know this is rather off topic for this forum, but I didn't want to start a new thread elsewhere as this still largely concerns my questions regarding a memory upgrade.
it was still mostly memory :D
Thanks again Eclipse.

I was really being a dumbass when I bought my TT. The built fans are whiny, but what really bugs me is the side window. The light and such has to go, for I'm getting a new roommate next year, and lights/noises won't go over well. It'll also be more physically stable and better looking. I'm not sure what I'll do with the TT.

Maybe I'll try to heatware/ebay/fs-ft it, along with the OCZ sticks. (I'm going to bite on the new 2x1GB sticks) Which of those options would work best for hardware?

Back on the memory topic for a second... what PCXX00 rating is best for my 3800+ x2? I think I can push it to 275 mhz-ish, so ddr-550 would be best...? Or is my thinking wayyy off...

As for the rest of the money, I am going to acquire a nice widescreen LCD. I see some nice 21 inchers on newegg for just $300. Money won't be an issue if I can successfully sell the RAM, the case, and my current 17inch Planar LCD. Anything left over, plus future savings, will go into the Next Rig fund. No more upgrades, save possibly some more HDD space at some point.
Sedgie! said:
Back on the memory topic for a second... what PCXX00 rating is best for my 3800+ x2? I think I can push it to 275 mhz-ish, so ddr-550 would be best...? Or is my thinking wayyy off...
pretty good logic, but the only 275mhz rated 2x1gb sticks are the corsair pc4400's... that are very expensive. there is 250mhz stuff that should be able to do 275mhz, but obviously with oc'ing, isn't a given..
Oh snap man, good call. Cheapest of the lot as well. I think that's it for this thread. On to the Monitors forum on which lcd to buy, and then to the Case forum for whether switch is worth it. Thanks for all your [H]ardcore advice. Cheers!