Question about 7800 go clock speed and core temperatures


Jun 28, 2004
I ordered a Dell e1705 from Dell's outlet store with these specs

Pentium M dual core (Core Duo) 1.83 Ghz
2 Gigs of DDR 2 RAM @ 667 mhz
80 gig 5400 rpm HD
Geforce Go 7800

I'm pretty happy with the purchase aside from the fact the screen isn't as good as the one on my other lappy. There's some light leakage at the bottom and it's not glossy. However, I've decided to deal with it considering the price I paid and the fact that it's not really noticable while playing games. Mainly WoW.

Now, I've read on another forum that the GPU is underclocked from Dell. I've looked around different sites and they seem to back this up since. The GPU runs at 250 mhz and one sitesshow the normal clock for this card at 400 mhz.

I've set the core clock to about 281 mhz and ran CoD 2 while monitoring the temperature with Riva Tuner and it went up to 80 degrees Celcius.

My question is does anyone know the speed nVidia rates this GPU at and what is a safe core temperature? Does Dell just underclock the card because they've decided to use an inadequate cooling solution for this GPU in the e1705?

Any advice would be apprecaited.

All mobile GPUs are under clocked (v desktop equivalent) and yes, because of the cooling limitations of notebook form factor (that is all notebooks).

You are lucky to have selected a Dell, because there a lots of owners willing to risk crapping their system to stretch the capabilities of the hardware.

Take a look at notebookforums and the Dell section to get tested advice on the overclocking potential of your card.
Thanks for the info r@mside. I did look at and found some useful information there. I found more information at the site, which deals specifically with modding regular drivers from nvidia to run on laptops with mobile gpus

I have a follow up question that I'll just throw out there. Has anyone had their 7800 go upgraded to a 7900 gs go? If so how exactly did that go about?
