question about 333 fsb vs 400 fsb?


Mar 12, 2004
I'm wanting to buy a new motherboard but I'm sort of on a budget. I've currently got an Asus a7v133 with a 2400xp. I'm trying to save money but I don't want the cheapest thing out there. I'm thinking about getting a board that will handle the 400 fsb but if I do that would I be better off getting a 2500 barton and overclocking it, or getting a processor that made to run at 400 fsb? My second question is, if I get a 2500 xp would I just be better off saving some money and getting a board that will handle 333 fsb? Also, are there any boards that have the raid for ata 133 instead of the sata?
there are some good cheap mobo's(~60 bucks) out there like mine that can handle 200fsb, well thats whats its rated at, but if your on a bugdet then you have to get pc3200 ram, and i don't think you'll save that much if you got a 333 board, its better to have room to upgrade, about the raid, just get a pci card
oh you could also get the xp mobile chips, there cheaper and seems to oc higher
Postal, don't oc unless you are sure about what you are doing, or at least prepared to replace whatever you hose. Also you will need some better aircooling if you plan to oc. My advice is to pick up a board/chip combo that will do 400fsb and a gig of some pc3200. You will spend a little more but you won't be too far behind the technology curve. Just my $.02

sata is awsome. If you do get it try to get a mobo that has onboard sata raid capability.
Thanks for the input. I have decided to get the gigabyte 7n400 pro which has the raid for ata and sata. As far as oc'ing, I have my 2400xp running at 2200mhz by adjusting the fsb. That's the extent of my oc'ing though.
Thanks again for the suggestions.
I'm sure there's those that would disagree, but IMO it's not worth upgrading from 2400+ to 2500+. But if you do get a new CPU, get a mobile. I wonder if you could unlock your 2400+ and run the FSB @ 200...?
I'm going to see how much I can oc the 2400 on the new mobo and with better cooling. I've got the stock fan and haven't tried to get crazy with the overclocking. This is also the first time I have tried to overclock. I've got the fsb at 147mhz(147x15) which has the processor running at 2205.