Quad core Winter break upgrade (Would love advice!)

LOL, you posted it 2 days ago, and many people are out of town. Relax, give it a few weeks.
LOL, you posted it 2 days ago, and many people are out of town. Relax, give it a few weeks.

Haha, I know. I am kinda a spaz, I have just been wanting to rebuild for the past couple years, and get a little obsessive. :p

In the last couple days I have picked up a Corsair 750w for $70 shipped and this audio setup http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1364533.

I also updated my WTB thread and tried to make it more readable/coherent and that has seemed to cause the #'s of PMs to rise.
I also signed up for a heatware account so I can get some feedback through all of this.
Does anyone know much about the Q9550's c0 stepping?
Also do you know if the Gigabyte EP45-DQ6 is a solid board, I see mostly good reviews online, but I want a rock solid board with a solid optical audio out.
Also, is it too much to ask for 8gbs if DDR2/a P5Q or x48 with quality optical out/ and a q9xxx for ~$450+ shipped?
So I was a bout to pick up a q9550/Asus Maximus II Formula/8gbs DDR2 last night.
I was the first reply to the seller and we were discussing pricing for the combo, and after a bit he replied to me that he had sold the mobo if I still wanted the ram/cpu....
....fucking annoying.
So I was a bout to pick up a q9550/Asus Maximus II Formula/8gbs DDR2 last night.
I was the first reply to the seller and we were discussing pricing for the combo, and after a bit he replied to me that he had sold the mobo if I still wanted the ram/cpu....
....fucking annoying.

Gotta be quick! lol. Make your PM's more efficient to lessen the time of initial response to time payment is made. ;)
$175 shipped.
I also picked up a AC 92mm cooler and G5 mouse.
Hopefully will be getting a Q9450 and 8gbs of DDR2 800 today, as well as a HD4870 1gb and a G15, then I will be done with my build and within my budget (well... close :p )

I have heard from a friend ATI's current drivers don't care for running two monitors at diff. resolutions, have any of you experienced/ heard about these isses? I am not too worried at the moment as both my monitors are 1680x1050, however I would like to pick up a 24" later to go with my 22", but will not due so if it will cause issues with my 4870.
Not bad. The AC F7Pro most likely won't be enough to push a Q9000 to its max, btw.

Running two monitors with different resolutions shouldn't be a problem for any card. I've done it many times in the past, and I'm even doing it now. I've got an HD2400Pro running a 22" (1680x1050) and a 20" (1600x1200) without problems.
I am suprised how I have ran into a couple of assholes on this board already.
I first Pm'ed someone in their F/S thread about their HD4870 1gb, offered list price...
... they space out my message until a few days later and give it to who the fuck ever...

2nd time this has happened, it is getting anoying.
I see newegg is selling the HD4870 1gb for $225 ar ($240 before) I was thinking about ordering tonight.
I was going to spend $210 shipped for one the other day used, so this isn't too much of a difference.

Do you think the price is low enough on them now to justify purchasing now?
What do you think about sapphire? I would prefer powercolor for lifetime warranty (do any other ati manufactors offer this?)

This is the card I was thinking about:

I also will probably pick up a 1TB HDD when I order, so which of these two do you think is better? (Or if you think another ~$100 1TB is better.) I was thinking the Barracuda w/ the 32mb cache.
Western Digital Caviar - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136151
Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148274
VisionTek offers better customer service than PowerColor... though I didn't know that PC also offered lifetime warranties.

But get the card now. I paid $300 for my mid-range card a couple of years ago, so you're getting a much better video card at a comparative discount.
Weird question/thought, but I kinda think I am not able to receive PM's at home, or have just had weird timing getting them at school only lately...

Could a couple of you send me PM's just so I can check.

I have ordered about everything that I needed/wanted and have started receiving some of it. Really happy with the audio system so far :D I just need a Logitech G15 (rev. 1) keyboard now, and was talking to a couple people about them and haven't gotten messages almost anyone now for a couple days, hence my concern.
Thanks for the help enginurd.

Well the Corsair 750w/ Asus Rampage Formula x48/ Sony 5.1 Audio have all arrived now, and the HD4870 1GB/ q9450/ 8gbs DDR2/ 1TB HDD should be in today.

So after getting back from drawing class, I should be keeping myself busy for the rest of the night swapping out systems (after ~four years since my last real upgrade it will be fun/ slightly scary)

Thanks for all the suggestions and help you all offered, I appreciate it!
I can take some pics if anyone is interested, I think my setup is smexy :p

I don't know what game to install and play first...
I could start over in Crysis on very hard, or try out Left 4 Dead... I also never got far into Fallout 3 as I wanted to wait for a new system. Too many choices!

If anyone is curious I think in the end I spent ~$1000 on everything.
Q9450/8gbs (4x2gbs) Gskill DDR2 - $245
Asus Rampage Formula x48 - $175
HD4870 1gb/ 1TB HDD/ Scythe fan - $370
Sony Receiver/ 5.1 audio - $140
CPU Cooler/ Logitech G-5 mouse - $30
pics plz!

I just assembled everything a bit ago, and am installing drivers now.
I did something of a lazy assembly (cable wise) the first time as I will be changing out the cpu HS soon.

I cannot believe how easily everything went togather and posted on the first boot, *whew* :p

I will post pics after I get a chance to reassemble it and after finals week ><

Thanks again for for all the advice, and in about 20 mins I will be playing Crysis, seeing what this build has to offer.
I am back in my hometown atm, and will be ordering a 24" monitor in the next week or so, to complete my build. I got my Logitech G15 (rev.1) in the mail a few days ago and hopefully I will get a G9 for my bday and then I will ready for pics :D

I still also need to reroute cables a little more cleanly and finish wet sanding the interior of my Lian-Li v1000b to a mirror finish. Then I will be able to take pics and not be embarrassed :p

Thanks again for all the advice; I can run everything excluding Crysis completely maxed and even that is damn close o_O
Sorry it has taken me so long to get a picture taken and also about the quality of this one.
After I reroute my cables again and do a few more finishing items I will take some decent photos.
I just got back from skiing w/ the gf and am trying to get ready for another semester as a metalsmith major. My 24" arrived a couple days ago so I had to quickly set it up and snap a shot :D

I just wanted to let you know I did not forget and I really appreciate all the advice!
I7 920 for 229.00
ex58-ud3r for 209.00
G.SKILL 6GB (3 x 2GB) DDR3 1333 144.00 free shipping
antec three hundred 59.99 20 bucks average shipping
Antec EA650 650W ATX12V 79.99 free shipping
WD6400AAKS 640GB 74.99 free shipping
SAMSUNG Black 22X 25.99 free shipping
EVGA 896-P3-1265-AR GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 896MB 259.99 free shipping

roughly 1,150 dollars have to go to bed sorry couldn't help more pregnant wife is pissed :eek::eek::eek: