Q6600 to Q9550 Upgrade?

"TRIM was introduced soon after SSDs started to become an affordable alternative for traditional hard disks as permanent storage in PCs." - wiki

I still don't think they're hit that point.... i still can't bring myself to spend that kind of money yet...
I have a Q9550 and found a noticeable increase in performance by using a Vertex 2 60 GB as a boot/program drive. You can get a smaller one as I still have 30+ GB open and keep your RAID.
If you were on a slow 2 core 775 it would make sense to upgrade to a Q9550, provided you were happy with the rest of the rig and got a good price on that new CPU - overpriced IMO. Otherwise save for a new cpu/mobo/ram combo, you don't have to replace the whole system.
Think about it, you've bought a new mobo and you want to buy a new CPU; why not do that with a Sandy Bridge platform. DDR3 is dirt cheap these days.
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