Q6600 Temp question


Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
I am running a Q6600 overclocked to 3.0 right now and my idle temps are 42, 42, 37, 37.
Is the an OK temperature? I am also using a Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme.
I used AS5 and I was expecting a bit lower around the high 30's like others are reporting.

On load it gets to about 55-48 (55, 55, 48, 48)

I don't think I passed that 200hours "break-in" period for the AS5.
Does that even matter? And I applied a think line across per the website.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.
Have mine at 3.2 and have similiar temps to you, the AS5 should have settled on mine at this point.

What voltage are you running the processor at?
My idle is 32/34/28/30. But on load its 54-60c via prime95. Your load temps are really good... makes me wonder why mine cant do that.

What do you use to stress your processor?
Thanks for the replies.

To answer your questions:
The voltage that I am running at is 1.3520.

Stress test I used both 3dmark06 and Prime95 and Fold@home.
I was under the impression that those are the stress test to do.

I am just worried as I see people with like mid to high 30's at like 3.4ghz!

I just don't want to reseat my heatsink. It is such a hassle since I have to remove the mobo...

By the way, how did you guys get to 3.2 with a lower voltage?

Thanks for the replies again.
temps look fine, the important thing about knowing if a heatsink is working right is the change in temperature. from idle to load for several hours. your seems a liitle high but not too much to think something is wrong.

other thing to consider is ambient temp and air flow in your case.

in the winter my room is cold i have my house heat set for 62F and in my room i have the window cracked open. my idle temps are below 20C.
idle at 37, 35, 35, 37 or 37, 35, 37, 35 (seems to switch between the 2 depending on how the machine boots up) @ 3.0GHz I did bump the voltage up by 0.1 just for safety's sake, I could probably run cooler if I ran without it... but then again I'm happy with the extra heat if it gets chilly hehe

processor and heatsink lapped, but I don't think it made a huge difference.

Loaded temps are - 61,56,56,61 or 61,56,61,56

Does anyone know why the temps change like that? alternating on bootup?

I'd expect at idle 2 cores might be taking most of the load, and thus be higher... but if 100% load on all 4 then shouldn't they all be the same temp?
how did you get mid 30's to high 30's as your idle temps at 3.0?

i have a 4-5 degree difference between cores 1-2 and 3-4.

reseat the heatsink?

i only applied AS5 in a thin line, maybe about 1mm-2mm across as per stated on the AS5 website.

i always though less is better than more...was i wrong?
OP - temps look okay to me. Little to worry about. As long as you case has good ventilation then rest easy.

I still haven't got round to changing the Intel Stock Cooler. My idle temps at a 3.0Ghz OC are around 37 - 40C. Under load, (2 hours of COD4) temps reach 60C. Well within the thermal limits. My case does a good job of exhausting hot air so the ambient case temps are low even with a 8800GT which runs into the mid 70's during gaming.

Less is definately better than more when it comes to thermal paste. All you need is a small lump of AS5 in the centre (about the size of a grain of rice)
thanks for the reply.
hmmm maybe i made a mistake for the AS5 then.
i applied it in a line across the cpu just like the way AS5 website told me to.

should i have done it in a grain of rice form? right in the center?

to the people who have low temps, how did you apply your AS5 if you did use it.

thanks again everyone.
Good question actually brisk, I have a scythe ninja to deploy with AS5 on a Q6600 tonight and have just printed the instructions from the Arctic website for quad core 775's.

They have it going in a line across the cpu heat spreader.

Is that the best way people?
I smear and wipe on the shiny surfaces to fill in any pits... just enough to make them dull, then applied a small grain of rice in the middle and applied the heatsink firmly with a little twist.

I'm not a huge fan of AS 5, even though it's what I used, toooo thick for my liking.
My uGuru shows my Q6600 at 21-23c at idle overclocked to 2.7 with a ZEROtherm Nirvana. This sounds kinda low. Is this legit?
^ my asus monitor reports 34c at idle. a lot lower than coretemp.

use coretemp. a lot of people seem to use that.

i think i may need to try and reseat the heatsink...ahhhh

by the way, my system temps are around 34-35...so im guessin my case is pretty warm as is...so the cpu can't get much cooloer than 34-35..right?
My uGuru shows my Q6600 at 21-23c at idle overclocked to 2.7 with a ZEROtherm Nirvana. This sounds kinda low. Is this legit?

thats the chip temp, not the temp of the 4 cores inside the chip. So it's legit.

by the way, my system temps are around 34-35...so im guessin my case is pretty warm as is...so the cpu can't get much cooloer than 34-35..right?

Room temp, case air flow, case temp, lapping, paste, voltage, fan speed and phase of the moon all have a bearing on your temps.

It could be your fans are running at a lower speed then most because they've not triggered the thermal settings in your bios.

Thing is as long as it's stable and not EXCESSIVE (yours are fine) at the speed your running at, call it good and move onto the fun section... play da game!
^ thats low!

did you use AS5?

if so did you pass the 200hour break in?

im wondering if i should wait 200hours and then try to reseat my heatsink or not...

^ thats low!

did you use AS5?

if so did you pass the 200hour break in?

im wondering if i should wait 200hours and then try to reseat my heatsink or not...


No, no 200 hour break in for me. I've probably got about 50 hours on it, if that. I'm at 2.7 though (300x9) and haven't touched voltage. I'm running the ZEROtherm NV120 with the thermal paste that it came with. I have a tube of AS somewhere, but couldn't find it when I was rebuilding, so I just used the crap that came with the NV120. Seems to be working fine. Not sure why it's so low. I think my case is cooled well, as it maintains 30c consistantly, unless I've been gaming for a long time. Then it may go up to 31-32c tops.

According to that, 71C is the thermal spec for our processor. My question is, is that with or without the 15C "Tjunction" thing? Meaning, is 66C (my uGuru load temp) or 81C (my Core Temp load temp) the one to be looking at? I know they are both correct, but which one is the one you compare to Intel's thermal spec?
ok this is weird...
my idle temps are now 47/47/43/43.....................
it went up...what the heck...

any suggestions?
Idle and loaded temp questions are basically useless without knowing what the ambient temperature of your room is. Example.. An idle temp of 37 when your ambient temp is 20 would be high. A loaded temp of 60 when your ambient is 20 would be high.. I think you get the picture.

What is the ambient temps of your room at a particular idle/loaded temp?
thanks for the reply
my room temp is around 23c

so it is pretty high.

just in case your wondering its a antec p182 case
with the stock fans. one in the back, one in the top, and one in the lower chamber.

thanks again.
Check for proper airflow. You should have about the same amount of air going in as you have going out. Since you have a top fan I would have the lower fan and the one near the CPU blowing air into the case. Top fan blowing out. You may have to change your heatsink on your CPU so that the fan is close to the rear case fan and is blowing in the same direction (cold air from outside blows in through rear case fan and then through fan on your CPU heatsink). From there the heat will rise to the top fan and blow out.
Check for proper airflow. You should have about the same amount of air going in as you have going out. Since you have a top fan I would have the lower fan and the one near the CPU blowing air into the case. Top fan blowing out. You may have to change your heatsink on your CPU so that the fan is close to the rear case fan and is blowing in the same direction (cold air from outside blows in through rear case fan and then through fan on your CPU heatsink). From there the heat will rise to the top fan and blow out.

What he said. You will not get the processor to run cooler than the temp inside your case with conventional air cooling. Unless you're going to use water cooling or TEC cooling, if your case hovers at 35 degrees C, your processor will never be cooler than that and chances are, it's going to be a degree or two hotter. Also keep it mind that the "system" temp is not really your actual case temp. It's just the temp of some thermosensor on the motherboard, which may happen to be right next to the northbridge or the DDR2 radiating heat. My system temp is at 30 degrees C right now, which is 86 degrees F. I know for sure that my case temp is not 86 degrees F when it's about 68 degrees F in my office right now. When I feel the air coming out of the top fan, it's cool. A good indication of your case temps, if you've got good case cooling, is the temp of your CPU (not from Coretemp), which for me right now at idle is about 21c or 70 degrees F.
so i decided to reseat my heatsink and the AS5 that i applied was apparently too much.
it was almost on the motherboard itself! spread out too much over time...

so note to everyone.
if your going to do the line, do it VERY thin or else a rice grain and a half should do the trick right in the middle.

i guess i'll just see how my temps do after the 200 hour mark.

thanks for the input everyone.
so note to everyone.
if your going to do the line, do it VERY thin or else a rice grain and a half should do the trick right in the middle.

i guess I'll just see how my temps do after the 200 hour mark.

thanks for the input everyone.

I actually did the line.... idling at about 41 now before the break in time for AS5 so we'll see afterwards.