Q6600 Stable OC, Second Opinion

Apr 9, 2008
Hey all.

I just finished a successful overclock on my G0 Q6600: rock solid at 3.4 GHz.

Temps maxed at 70C during the 24 hr P95 run. Idles around 50C.

Bumped CPU Volts to slightly above 1.4, RAM Volts to 1.925, VTT and NB up one click.

Stability tested with OCCT (1 hr) and P95 (24 hrs) no error. Extended gaming sessions show no artifacting and/or error. Was getting the nvlddmkm.sys error at first, but the bump to RAM volts fixed it completely.

All parameters with the exception of RAM Voltage are within manufacturer specs, and even the RAM voltage is a a small .025 of a volt. Max temp is pretty close to the rated 71C.

Just want a second opinion on whether you'd run this overclock 24/7. Thanks all.
Yup run it 24/7, I run my Q6600 24/7 at 3.6, vCore 1.45, and max temp under dual orthos 72c :cool:
The Max temp i get is 32c idle and 46c 100% Loaded on Q9450 at 3.4GHZ vcore 1.28. I only do overclock because video encoding reduction times. I dont do it for games. Right now a 3 Hour video takes 27 mins on nero 7. If i take to 3.6GHZ the time of enconding is same. So there is no point for me at 3.6 the 3.4GHZ is good.
The Max temp i get is 32c idle and 46c 100% Loaded on Q9450 at 3.4GHZ vcore 1.28. I only do overclock because video encoding reduction times. I dont do it for games. Right now a 3 Hour video takes 27 mins on nero 7. If i take to 3.6GHZ the time of enconding is same. So there is no point for me at 3.6 the 3.4GHZ is good.

Those are nice temps.What HSF?

My Q6600 absolutely refuses run 3.6 stable; or, at least, I couldn't get it stable while keeping temps low enough with my Freezer 7. I'm pretty happy at 3.4, though.
Those are nice temps.What HSF?

My Q6600 absolutely refuses run 3.6 stable; or, at least, I couldn't get it stable while keeping temps low enough with my Freezer 7. I'm pretty happy at 3.4, though.

He's running a Q9450 :rolleyes: For whatever reason my chip will run @ 3.4 @ 1.34v or something like that but then I have to jack it way up to 1.45v for it to be stable at 3.6, I'm using a Tuniq.
Those are nice temps.What HSF?

My Q6600 absolutely refuses run 3.6 stable; or, at least, I couldn't get it stable while keeping temps low enough with my Freezer 7. I'm pretty happy at 3.4, though.

Its a Thermalright Ultra 120 eXtreme cpu cooler.
Well I run mine at 4.05 GHz ~55'C under load
ans at 3.8 ~43'C under load
note that I have water cooling though
Well I run mine at 4.05 GHz ~55'C under load
ans at 3.8 ~43'C under load
note that I have water cooling though

That's awesome. I think about watercooling every once in a while, but have never put things in motion.

How is the performance gain in benches and/or real-world apps?
Well at 4.05GHz its quite powerfull if you ask me but it ouputs lof of heat...
I wouldnt dare going over 3.5 on air.
And overclocking to 4.05GHz I find very hard to make it stable..lot of trial and error ^.^
:confused::confused::confused::confused: I run my [email protected] 1.32v(around that number) but mine goes like 75c+ running prime small fft. Also I've got S1283 which is known to be better than Tuniq. You are also running it 1.45v??? how is my temp higher than yours???? Can you run small fft prime and see what temp you get with coretemp?

He's running a Q9450 :rolleyes: For whatever reason my chip will run @ 3.4 @ 1.34v or something like that but then I have to jack it way up to 1.45v for it to be stable at 3.6, I'm using a Tuniq.
:confused::confused::confused::confused: I run my [email protected] 1.32v(around that number) but mine goes like 75c+ running prime small fft. Also I've got S1283 which is known to be better than Tuniq. You are also running it 1.45v??? how is my temp higher than yours???? Can you run small fft prime and see what temp you get with coretemp?

The temp I quoted is running dual orthos, one on blend the other on small ffts. Temp maxes out at 71c. I've run dual orthos both on small fft and again nothing above 71c. I have an Antec 900 case and I'm in Oregon.... possibly you have higher ambient temps where you are?
It must be. it has to be at least 6c cooler+ whatever the temp difference between 1.45v and 1.32v. :) Whatever the case, I want that temp -2c for me having S1283 and -c having .13v less vcore than you. lol
It must be. it has to be at least 6c cooler+ whatever the temp difference between 1.45v and 1.32v. :) Whatever the case, I want that temp -2c for me having S1283 and -c having .13v less vcore than you. lol

lol, I know what you mean. I just hate the fact that it runs with voltage so much lower at 3.4, but I have to jack it way up to get to 3.6. Oh well it's stable I'm happy :D
The temp I quoted is running dual orthos, one on blend the other on small ffts. Temp maxes out at 71c. I've run dual orthos both on small fft and again nothing above 71c. I have an Antec 900 case and I'm in Oregon.... possibly you have higher ambient temps where you are?

Ambient temps and case circulation are very likely the cause for the difference. My chip runs around 63C or a little higher at full load in a normal room and a Xigma 1283. The other day it was over 27C (80F) ambient temp in my room, and humid. So I shut the doors, turns on the lights and anything that produced heat, and started checking to see how high I could get my CPU temp. My chip went up top 75C running Small FFTs, this is a t 1.32v before vdroop, 1.26v under load. I definitely have some warm air coming out the back of case, however, I am likely going to put another fan in the front of the case to push air through from the front out through all the open vent air in the back of the case above the CPU.