Purchased some routers, got a problem


Feb 27, 2004
Ok, I purchased two Cisco 2501 routers. They have IOS v11.something on them. I did password recovery on one and thats working fine. The other is not responding at all to my commands and I dont know if the console port is bad or if there is no IOS on it. Any way to tell if there is an IOS on it? If I hit 'enter' while in HyperTerminal, I just get a bunch of x's. I don't want to email the seller just yet until I can find out what really is wrong.
leave hyper terminal openand power cycle it. It should show you the boot loading screen which has information such as iso version and hardware config.
Tried doing that. Still shows nothing. The seller told me that both routers have IOS 11.something. So thats why I assume that it has an IOS installed but the Hyperterminal screen is blank.
I second power cycling it while hyperterminal is open to see the bootstrap and POST.

If it's giving you x's and other gibberish, someone may have changed the bps speed in the router, we used to do that when we had to do xmodem to upload IOS if TFTP failed, especially when someone jacked the image and installed the wrong IOS (too large to boot) and if you leave it at 9600, it will take FOREVER to load an IOS, so we change it to 115200. if that is true, open HT and change the BPS to 115200 to see if you can get text. If so, then boot up then ctrl + break to rommon then at the rommon prompt type:

xmodem -s 9600 (this will change it back to 9600)

If it's only x's...it may be a bad console port. Were these routers sold as is, or were they tested before shipping?
blank as it it displays nothing at all? even if the router had no ios you should get a "post" like screen.
yeah, its completely blank. I got them used but is was tested and guaranteed against DOA. Purchased from a business here in Cali. I'll try the BPS thing.

That's what it looks like after 7min. :confused:
I have very limited cisco exp. i did upgrade the falsh and boot rom on my 2514. So i couldn't tell you if that could be caused by bad flash memory or what.

That's what it looks like after power cycling. After pushing enter a few times. Everytime I hit a button, I get an 'x'.
well, I have to admit I've ne'er seen that...

Try changing the BPS, and if that doesn'r work it could be several things wrong with the unit. I would just try to get a replacement, see if they'll cross ship.
Yeah, I'm starting to think something is definetely wrong with the unit. I'll email them. Thanks.