Pulling the trigger on quad.. (COOLER OPTIONS?) QUICK


Limp Gawd
Dec 16, 2007
Hey guys, need your help really quick (quickly, fast, soon!). I am pulling the trigger on a Q9550 tonight and need a nice cooling solution. I have read here (and pretty much everywhere) that the Xigmatech coolers are nice at an affordable price, but there are many choices with that company. I'd like something on the quite side, but included fan doesn't matter because I have a scythe s-flex waiting for some action. I'd spend up to 45-50ish on a nice cooler. I was also thinking about the CM V-8 but again am not sure. I have read plenty of reviews but haven't come to a conclusion yet.

I have a TJ-10 so there is plenty of room for whatever, and I do have Corsair dominators that came in last week (clearance?!?). I would like to take the chip to at least 3.4ghz so there will be some overclocking.

Other components..
4 gigs Dominator 1066
Corsair HX620
8800GTS 512

Thanks again guys
Thanks for the quick replies guys, I was looking at that cooler, but what baout the dark knight version that comes with the back plate?
The s1283 is one of the best choices for price. But seeing that you have your own fans and are willing to spend up to 50 bucks the TRUE is always a good option as well, it also gives you the option of mounting 2 fans.
Thanks for the quick replies guys, I was looking at that cooler, but what baout the dark knight version that comes with the back plate?

yeah get the dark knight version if you get the s1283..
i'd like everything to be from newegg if possible..sorry i did not say that earlier^^
just ordered, went with the dark knight. pretty stoked to get the cooler but especially the cpu, but mad i'm going to have to sit by the door and wait for the ups man again..

Thanks again guys!
You might want to go with the mounting bracket: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835233019

The push-pins that come with the stock cooler are a royal PITA, I felt like I was nearly going to break my motherboard putting them in.

The Dark Knight comes with the backplate and screws if I'm not mistaken.

You can do push-pull with the S1283 as well. I have dual Yates on mine. Used zip ties. Ran the zip tie through the front fan, through the fins of the cooler and out the back fan then used another zip tie end to secure it in place. Do that on all 4 corners. Now, it'll shift a little bit if you're rough with your case, but once it's in place it's not going anywhere. I used 2 pair of needle nose pliers to really sinch those zip ties on there as tight as possible.
The Dark Knight comes with the backplate and screws if I'm not mistaken.

You can do push-pull with the S1283 as well. I have dual Yates on mine. Used zip ties. Ran the zip tie through the front fan, through the fins of the cooler and out the back fan then used another zip tie end to secure it in place. Do that on all 4 corners. Now, it'll shift a little bit if you're rough with your case, but once it's in place it's not going anywhere. I used 2 pair of needle nose pliers to really sinch those zip ties on there as tight as possible.

What kind of temperature improvement did you see with the push-pull setup vs. only push?
Also in addition to above^, what fan should push and pull since i have the scythe and the stock. Also what orientation should i use for a push pull. Any pics?
Noctua nh-u12p. you won't regret it. craftmanship, finish, fit, all the mounting options and hardware, everything is top notch. Keeps my AMD 9850 OC'd to 3.1 at 28 idle and 44 full load. Nothing else I've tested came close in terms of cooling and noise. Only con is that it costs anywhere from $10-20 more than other coolers. It's well worth it imho.
Also in addition to above^, what fan should push and pull since i have the scythe and the stock. Also what orientation should i use for a push pull. Any pics?

The weaker fan should always push, because pulling alone is more efficient than pushing alone. With that in mind, pull with the Scythe, push with the stock.

I'm tempted to zip-tie a couple of Panaflos to it... but they're heavy. I'd be a bit concerned about the weight.
The s1283 is one of the best choices for price. But seeing that you have your own fans and are willing to spend up to 50 bucks the TRUE is always a good option as well, it also gives you the option of mounting 2 fans.

you can mount 2 on teh xig as well