Publish Plan: Phase 2 (Bug Reporting)


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2007
Jan 9, 2000
Phase 2 of the Publish Plan went live early this morning, this thread is going to be a place to post about any bugs you may run into within the new build.

Please remember there is no such thing as bug free, bug free is a myth, there is always going to be the Human Factor(No human is perfect), couple that with Murphys Law...

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Webmaster: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
1st bug:

I clicked on the paypal button and made a donation but my PPD hasn't gone up. Is this feature not working yet?

Here is a description of phase 2:
KING said:
2] Upgrade United Devices stats section (Completed, currently looking for bugs that slipped through internal testing)

a: Write all new stats fetch/process function.
b: Implement new Defcon warning system.
c: Implement new milestone hit routine.
d: Implement new member display functions alive/dead/all.
e: Implement new display sort by functions.
f: Impliment new 7/14/21/28 day averages(Attack/Threats section) [as requested].
g: Upgrade graphs sections.
h: Re-design stats layout to match the new site look.

I really like the new graphs. It'll be great when all this also get's implemented for F@H side.

I did notice that the color function on the badge appeared to be not working. I'd click a color and then none of the scripts on the next page that popped up changed. They were the same for any color I clicked. I might have been doing something wrong...

MN Scout said:
I did notice that the color function on the badge appeared to be not working. I'd click a color and then none of the scripts on the next page that popped up changed. They were the same for any color I clicked. I might have been doing something wrong...

Nice catch, thank you.


1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
King N,

Not a bug report but an idea.

A thought for the site. Not sure how complicated this may be for you but when I edit my profile there, maybe you could add a feature where I could add my Folding User name in there and it'll parse the CPU count and the approximately PPD into the database. I think this would be more effective than the current set up where I have to edit the xCount of CPU and the GHZ.

As for everything else I think it should be the same, city, state, country and so on forth.
What do you think? While this will be a little more "active" rather than static to say at the least, I think this would be awesome though.

Jon855 said:
King N,

Not a bug report but an idea.

A thought for the site. Not sure how complicated this may be for you but when I edit my profile there, maybe you could add a feature where I could add my Folding User name in there and it'll parse the CPU count and the approximately PPD into the database. I think this would be more effective than the current set up where I have to edit the xCount of CPU and the GHZ.

As for everything else I think it should be the same, city, state, country and so on forth.
What do you think? While this will be a little more "active" rather than static to say at the least, I think this would be awesome though.

Slight skew from topic,

Unfortunetly CPU count is something that is not(legally by stanford's rules) obtainable, in order to process CPU count I would have to mine Stanford's HTML stats pages, which is an act Vijay has forbidden under threat of banning.

It is a great idea, and something I would have liked to add originally along with active cpu count stats on the members stats pages, however no matter how much I would like to add certain things I must respect stanford's / vijay's rules.


Back on topic...

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
No other bugs found?

1 [H]ard Team, 2 Great Projects, 1 Common Goal..... The Cure.

Site Admin: [H]ard|Folding
Lurker Extraordinaire
Edit: Forum acting weird after database issue, duplicate post.