PSU for new build


Oct 6, 2006
I am about to order all the parts for a new system, but I am not sure how much power it will require. The build will have the following.

Core 2 Duo e6400
Gigabyte 965P-S3 Mobo
Corasir XMS2 1GB DDR2 800
Chaintech GeForce 7300GT VGA256C
WD Caviar SE16 250GB
CoolerMaster Centurion 5

I plan on a moderate overclock but nothing major. I would also like enough power for future hdd and memory upgrades. Any recommendations? How many watts would this system require? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
looks like a pretty basic system, i'd say between 450-500 watts is a good place to start looking, That will let you add some stuff down the road without worrying about your psu

also, i'd say go for 2 gigs of ram over one.
Yeah, I am on a tight budget as you can see or else i would go for 2 gigs or ram. Its just so pricey right now. That will have to wait. Budget? As in how much to spend on the psu? i would say around $50. At that price I am not sure how many solid/reliable psus are available.
i can understand being on a budget, but one thing you do not want to cheap out on is a good power supply.

Antec makes some good units at fair prices, but i still think you be spending a little more then $50.

Best thing you can do is wait until you have enough money to buy the proper parts.