PSU for A8N-SLI premium, AMD 3800+ X2, SLI 7800GTs, < $200?


Oct 9, 2005
This is one of my lowest areas of expertise, so I need some straighfoward advice on what PSU to buy for the above specs. I will be OCing, and I want something really stable for under 200 bucks. Could anyone throw a few models at me? The faqs are a little complicated for me...

Thanks in Advance,
J. Sedgwick
the SeaSonic S12-600 ($159) and ENERMAX Liberty ELT620AWT ($174.99) are both high quality PSU's with active pfc, dual +12v rails, sli support,and can supply sufficient power for your components.
Not meant to be a flame, but I just don't understand the logic here. You spent more on each of your two vid cards than you're budgeting on your PSU, and then you wnat it to be good for overclocking?

The PSU is maybe the last area you want to skimp on, especially if you want an good OC.
I'm using the Antec TP2 550 W EPS and it's just fine.Very stable on my SLI rig. Beter than the Enermax 535 W i had before. That one was horrible (deep dips in 12 V).
A big plus is the 8 pin power connector. Future motherboards may have the 8 pin power connector instead of the 4 pin one.
Is the ocz powerstream 520w enough power. if so i would get that for the price.
Any of the psus mentioned so far would work just fine. Im partial to Antec, but really youd be happy with the enermax or ocz as well.
Sedgie! said:
also, that seasonic seems to have some DOA problems... I need something really reliable.

Really? Since when? There was an issue with improperly designed DFI motherboards and that PSU but Seasonic redesigned their PSU to accomodate what DFI's design flaw.