PSU enough to handle another GTX 570 for Surround


Aug 18, 2011
Hey Guys,

Long time lurker of the forums, finally created an account as the surround/eyefinity community is fairly large around here. I've been debating whether or not to pick up another GTX570 along with a 3rd Asus VH242 monitor for a surround setup. My Q6600 is still rocking anything I throw at it although I have been debating whether or not to pick up a 2500k instead of going surround. Thoughts? Will my PSU even be able to handle a second 570? Keep in mind, this is mainly with BF3 in mind as I'm an avid BF fan and my current rig handled the alpha fine.

PSU Specs:

PC specs:

SILVERSTONE ST70F 700W Modular / Q6600 G0 @ 3.2 / Asus P5Q Pro / 2x2gb 1066 G-Skill / EVGA GTX570 / 2 x Asus VH242 1080p monitors / Audigy Xi-Fi Platinum
Yeah, you should be fine. Although to be honest if I were you I would upgrade that cpu before buying a second card.
For my current needs, the Q6600 is still holding up alright. A cpu upgrade when I'm running at 1080p with atleast 4x AA will really only up my minimum framerate so much. I know I'll be EXTREMELY cpu limited but the whole point is to have a surround setup until bulldozer or ivy bridge comes out.
You should be ok, i wouldn't try overclocking too much though.

Guru3D has 570 SLI with an I7 pulling close to 600w. Although they do recommend a 750+.