Apr 7, 2005
Been thinking about buying a psp for in between my classes, cause fuck studying. Anyways, I thought I heard that psp's had trouble with 1GB memory sticks, did that get taken care of in 2.0? What is the memory good for anyways? Can you put movies on it? What is the exact name of the memory sticks it uses, is it memory stick pro duo? Thanks for the help.
I've never had any trouble with 1GB sticks with my PSP. You can put anything in the stick, from image files to movies and homebrew apps.
Oh, was I right about the type of memory though? Also, what is the best games you've played. Right now i'm looking at a Tony hawk Underground remix 2, and Twisted Metal or possibly Need for Speed.

BTW, your super fast responder.
The PSP uses Memory Stick Pro Duos, which are the smaller versions of the regular Memory Stick. Mwave sells the 1GB for about $100.

I really liked Hot Shots Golf and Wipeout Pure. I thought I was going to like Metal Gear AC!D since I'm into turn-based strategy, but that game was soo slow.
my 1gb sandisc pro duo works awesome. i got it from for $90. My fav games have been thug2, hot shots golf, wipeout pure, midnight club 3, untold legends if you have friends to play with, and for gods sake plz get lumines first no matter what. it is one of the best games evarrrrr.
Obi_Kwiet said:
I'd buy one if I could get a UMD writer for my PC.

Which will probably never happen.......besides you can just use the memory stick, so who cares about writing UMDs?

I've been happy with Hot Shots Golf, Wipeout Pure, and Lumines. Haven't tried anything else.
Obi_Kwiet said:
Well, I wouldn't be able to put movies on them. Plus UMDs are a lot bigger.

Yes you can. They just have to be the right format.

I picked up a 1GB Pro Duo from Newegg last week for $86 shipped. They've come down a lot now since the hype has died down. I've played about 7 different games now and the best ones IMO are Lumines and Twisted Metal.
I have wipeout pure, tony hawk remix and untold legends... By far the best game is wipeout, with untold being a good time killer for long stretches... Tony hawk on the otherhand was great except for the part where ITS TOO HARD TO BEAT A DMAN LEVEL IN CLASSIC MODE... I absolutely tore apart every single tony hawk but i cant beat that stupid berlin level...
My two favortite PSP games are Wipeout Pure and Lumines. I also tried NfS:U, Hot Shots, NBA, and TH.

I only have a 512mb card and it holds about 160 min of video.

I also love the newest SNES homebrew, it's nearly flawless.
Obi_Kwiet said:
I'd buy one if I could get a UMD writer for my PC.

As fucking clueless here as on massassi.

Yeah, the PSP is far, the BEST game is Lumines. Just pure addiction.
i bought one, but returned it right away. i want it more for the gadget aspect, but the thing is BIG
I'm using this thing just for something to do for in between classes. Last year I had a bad problem with getting bored and just saying fuck it and going home. With this I doubt that will happen.
It is kinda big; especially compared to the most dominant handheld gaming device in the last decade. I personally have a hard time holdin it for an extended period of time and I don't have small hands either.
my girlfriends brother just bought one and i used it most of the way down to maryland when i went with them on vacation.

the only game he had was midnight club 3 :: dub editon.

the game was pretty fun, and i was amazed with how good the graphics and screen looked. After that trip i was tempted to buy one, then asked my self what i was thinking. i already have a laptop, mp3 player, inverter for car (so i can play xbox or whatever), a xbox, and a PS2.

I guess that if you have some extra money they are a cool gadget, but in my opinion they are just not worth it for the price.
I LOVE my PSP even though I have firmware 1.51 (no homebrews for me) but im trading w/ a guy at work very soon. I use it to watch movies, listen to music ect I got my 1gb stick from for 94 but has some for 74! I might have to buy another for that price.
I got my PSP just for GT4. Everything else is gravy. However, where the **** is it? Luckily I got it at launch so I'm loving the emulation, but i'm dissapointed by the lack of GT4.