PSP, who's got one?


Aug 1, 2003
I just bought one today and god damn, best investment I've ever made. It's my MP3 player, porn carrier(lol not really), computer gaming on the go device, and movie player....I spent more time with it today than i did with my girlfriend...she's jealous I think.
The analog stick is pure genius, little knobby thing but so funtional...
My next investment is a huge memory card so I can put more music and movies on it.
The screen is so clear's...just amazing.

This device is pure genious, can't wait for the firmware update to allow for webbrowsing. OMG!
i got one the day it came out. its the best thing out for handhelds. so far i got ridge racer, twisted metal, need for speed rivals, hellboy, resident evil apocalypse, and a 512mb mem card. you should really look into the case logitech makes. its really good for watching movies, i think its the perfect angle. the only thing i dont like its not loud enough.
flat4 said:
i got one the day it came out. its the best thing out for handhelds. so far i got ridge racer, twisted metal, need for speed rivals, hellboy, resident evil apocalypse, and a 512mb mem card. you should really look into the case logitech makes. its really good for watching movies, i think its the perfect angle. the only thing i dont like its not loud enough.
Why I use my BOSE headphondes :D
Got one on January 15th along with Ridge Racers and Metal Gear Acid. Picked up Lumines a few days before the US launch. Love it and use it every day...I need a nice rpg for it soon.
i got one on march 24th. I also got acid (god, this games gives other games p3nis envy), wipeout (graphics whore), TM:HO and NFSU:R
Please check back in 6 months and tell us if you still think it's the best investment you've ever made. :)
Got one a few weeks after launch. Bought Lumines, Wipeout Pure, and Untold Legends. Next on the list is a 1GB Memory Stick, though I imagine it'll be more usefull once the homebrew scene gets started.
I bought one a week after launch, along with Wipeout Pure and Need For Speed Underground Rivals (bundle deal, I really don't like NFS, and I'm looking to sell it eventually.) I'm eventually going to pick up Metal Gear Ac!d, Lumines, Twisted Metal, and probably Darkstalkers.

Not too thrilled with the UMD video concept, especially since they cost as much as their DVD counterparts. No thanks, guys. Lower the price by $10 and we'll see.

My 512MB Memory Stick arrives in the morning, so I'll finally be able to test out the PSP's multimedia features. It'll be nice having a portable mp3 player.
As long as you can use it and enjoy it, it is a good investment.I take mine to work and play, listen and watch it when i have free time. It will go down in price in 5-6 months but as long as you can afford it now who cares if people have bought it? I've had no dead pixels or problems so far and i got a very good price on mine along with 2 games and the spiderman 2 movie...
If you like it, buy it. If not go buy another system if that is your wish.
I have one.

To be honest I have been using it more for the MP3 capabilities then anything else. Once in a while I will play a couple games such as lumines and Twisted Metal but the majority of my time with the PSP is used for mp3's
I'm enjoying mine here in Iraq. It's nice having the ability to pull it out and get a game going, or to just listen to MP3's. The mixed capabilities is what sold me on it. I'm a PC gamer and hate console controllers, but this does the job in a pinch.

I didn't know there was a Resident Evil game out for it...I need to add it to my wishlist. NFSU:R and Twisted Metal have kept me pretty busy. Lumines is a good head to head game.

They don't have it for sale here in the PX yet, there aren't many of them in the camp yet. I always get asked about it when I pull it out. It's an electronic penis. :p :D
Shadowspawn said:
I'm enjoying mine here in Iraq. It's nice having the ability to pull it out and get a game going, or to just listen to MP3's. The mixed capabilities is what sold me on it. I'm a PC gamer and hate console controllers, but this does the job in a pinch.

I didn't know there was a Resident Evil game out for it...I need to add it to my wishlist. NFSU:R and Twisted Metal have kept me pretty busy. Lumines is a good head to head game.

They don't have it for sale here in the PX yet, there aren't many of them in the camp yet. I always get asked about it when I pull it out. It's an electronic penis. :p :D
there isnt a resident evil game out for it... its the movie RE: Apocalypse...

I have a PSP, I love mine. Have Wipeout and tony hawk remix for it. I will be buying movies for it soon enough.
Count me in too. The PSP is the most exciting toy I've gotten in recent history.
kamxam said:
It will go down in price in 5-6 months but as long as you can afford it now who cares if people have bought it?.

Actually I heard they won't be lowering the price until the beginning of next year at the earliest. I'm sure plenty of people will purchase it for $250 when Christmas rolls around.

I got mine the day after launch and I love it. I've only used it for games so far, but all of the games have been superb. Wipeout Pure and Lumines are both wonderful games, and Twisted Metal was fun (too bad I never could get online with it :().
I play mine a lot. Just got four games so far, Ridge Racer, Tiger Woods, Wipeout, and Twisted Metal. I want Lumines next, I hear its very good.

Top quality product to me, so many uses.
I'll just see how their modding scene turns out...
I have one and love the dang thing. I have RR, Lumines, and Tiger Woods. Each game is great. The best use i've found is recompressing TV shows to watch on my train ride to work, that way I can do other things at night. I don't use it for MP3s because I have an iPod but I am sure it would do just fine.

The only gripe I have about it is the ghosting on the screen. It bugs me. It' s not that bad but it still bugs me.
Im still trying to decide if I should buy one for all the Star Wars line waiting i'll be doing. I have a feeling once I see the PS3 and Xbox360 in action i'll be like "Damnit, whyd I spend money on this thing?"
IceWind said:
Im still trying to decide if I should buy one for all the Star Wars line waiting i'll be doing. I have a feeling once I see the PS3 and Xbox360 in action i'll be like "Damnit, whyd I spend money on this thing?"

The Xbox2 is several months away, and will very likely cost more.

The PS3 is more than a year away, and will likely cost more.

They are not comparable.. portable, versus non-portable. Athough I do play mine when Im home a lot.
Where do you live that you have to wait in line to get tickets to or to see the next star wars movie?? I could buy em online right now for 12:01am when it comes out and there definetly wont be much of a line at most of the theaters here in Orlando.

I bought the PSP for no good reason other than I wanted one. Thinking about selling it though as the games I have seen (DarkStalkers and Wipeout Pure) seem too pixelated to me for my enjoyment...then again I am used to AA and AF settings maxed out on my PC.
phas3d said:
Where do you live that you have to wait in line to get tickets to or to see the next star wars movie?? I could buy em online right now for 12:01am when it comes out and there definetly wont be much of a line at most of the theaters here in Orlando.

I bought the PSP for no good reason other than I wanted one. Thinking about selling it though as the games I have seen (DarkStalkers and Wipeout Pure) seem too pixelated to me for my enjoyment...then again I am used to AA and AF settings maxed out on my PC.

Montana, Carmike does not allow presold tickets, period, you have to buy them on the spot. And thats half the fun anyway, sitting in line with fellow geeks, talking, speaking Star Wars gibberish.
IceWind said:
Im still trying to decide if I should buy one for all the Star Wars line waiting i'll be doing. I have a feeling once I see the PS3 and Xbox360 in action i'll be like "Damnit, whyd I spend money on this thing?"

The PSP's battery wouldn't last the 11 hours in line you previously mentioned that you're going to spend. The DS probably can't handle that either.

If you're thinking of plunking $250, or even $150, down on something you're only going to use once, don't even bother. Bring some books.
Montana, Carmike does not allow presold tickets, period, you have to buy them on the spot. And thats half the fun anyway, sitting in line with fellow geeks, talking, speaking Star Wars gibberish.

No, it IS fun to do that, but I just cant believe some theaters wont sell tickets before hand.

I wouldnt be able to wait in line anyway and would probably be forced to see it the following day, but I am looking forward to the 12:01am showing.

If I did have to wait in line I would be there with the first two prequel Star Wars movies on my PSP. I'd watch one and then charge the PSP to watch the other. Think of all the people standing over your shoulder watching if you did that.
phas3d said:
No, it IS fun to do that, but I just cant believe some theaters wont sell tickets before hand.

I wouldnt be able to wait in line anyway and would probably be forced to see it the following day, but I am looking forward to the 12:01am showing.

If I did have to wait in line I would be there with the first two prequel Star Wars movies on my PSP. I'd watch one and then charge the PSP to watch the other. Think of all the people standing over your shoulder watching if you did that.

Yeah, just not sure. I may just rent a generator, bring a TV and PS2 and be able to do it in style
Doc Holiday said:
The only gripe I have about it is the ghosting on the screen. It bugs me. It' s not that bad but it still bugs me.

yea... its really noticable sometimes during thug2. When there are really dark or really bright objects moving around.

other than that, i love my psp and can honestly say it's the best thing i have purchased in a long time. well worth it, especially during school. hah