PSOne LCD Mod - Cable Extension


Feb 10, 2005
On my PSOne LCD Mod in progress I'm starting the preliminaries and need a hand. Connecting the LCD panel to the round control board behind it is a 30 pin 5/8" ribbon cable. It's short, too short. I need a way to extend it and then connect it back to the small socket.

It's pretty much unsolderable, the sucker would just melt, so no splicing that way. If anyone has a way to splice or extend something like this, please help me out. I stuck a picture below of what it looks like. Th ribbon is upside down in the photo so the contacts can be seen.

EDIT: Anyone even know the correct term for these sorts of connections?

Can't see the back of the connector, but if the contacts on the back of the connector are sufficiently spaced, you could use 30 regular wires to extend it and skip the ribbon cable all together.

Another option, if the other end of the cable is not directly soldered to the board, you could remove the ribbon cable and put a longer one in its place.

Both of these ideas are probably unworkable, but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
With this sort of connector the brown top portion hinges downward clamping the cable. Here's a pic of the rear of the connection.

Anyone? Need a hand with ideas here, terms so I can search a bit more. Anything?
The only easy way to extend the cable is to find a matching cable, lay the connectors' contacts together and glue them together. If you have mad SMT soldering skills, you could unsolder the connector on the PCB and then use 30 thin gauge wires to extend it.
Bump :)

I would love to hear a reply to this. I have 2 PSOne LCD. One VGA modded, other one To-Be modded.

So if there is anyway to extend it, it would greatly appreciated.

Have you extended the cable for the PCB that has the Power and Video In?

You can order 'flat flex cables' from places like digikey. You can specify length, how many connectors, space btwn the connectors (aka "pitch"), north or south side connection points (whether you want both connections points to be on same side of cable or opposite sides) etc. I've ordered FFC's from them before for some LCD projects I've worked with.
Looks like yours would be a 30 pin / 0.5mm pitch cable from what I've seen in your post.

Hope this helps!!!!!!!120251&Site=US&Cat=30540511