PSA: Get Ready for the Steam sales

I passed on Kane & lynch as well as Alpha protocol because I've heard nothing good about either game. I used to think anything under $10 was made of gold but I'm getting a little pessimistic after Ive actually tried to play some of these "Gold" games.
Im getting excited guys there is only 2 minutes left till the real black friday sales for steam here. Keeping fingers crossed for crazy sales on newer games
Just bought Blur, looks pretty sweet. Gonna get a wireless 360 controller to play it though.
Got the indie pack rest of the deals not that great might pick up Dawn of war if someone wants to do a group pack -_-
Blur would have been a no brainer for five dollars. I'm unsure at fifteen dollars though. I think I'm going to wait for Christmas.
Still nothing that tickles my fancy. Maybe I already have too many games on the back burner from previous sales. :)
Picked up the Arma2 combined ops since I've had Arma2 on my wish list for a while now. Not a huge deal, but I'm happy enough with 50% off.
The King's Bounty games are actually really good if you're a fan of HoMM type games, minus the base building.
Heads up on Wings Of Prey. I bought that title this summer, and it was a lot of fun. It's also damned beautiful.
Heads up on Wings Of Prey. I bought that title this summer, and it was a lot of fun. It's also damned beautiful.

Good to know. I've heard of it before but I knew nothing about it. It looks cool from the screenshots I glanced at. :p
My Steam acct's 372 games, I've played ~36 of 'em...

My D2D acct's 47games, I've played three of 'em (none through my D2D licenses, though...)

Yet, for some reason, Sniper @ $14.99 is still tempting...

The only thing that holds me back is knowing that it is by far the shittiest game that came out this year... Yet, I still consider it...

(Never mind the fact that it obviously will be $14.99 or less during a holiday sale soon enough anyway...)

But Gametap has hundreds of games for my subscription cost of $60/yr ($5/m), including Sniper anyway... So why oh why this Steam addiction?

Holy shit dude
Nice round of sales this time. I've been waiting for the GTA Episodes to go on sale ($10.20). Left 4 Dead 2 for $5.00 is also a great deal, but I picked it up during the summer sale along with Left 4 Dead 1 for $13 or something like that.
Holy shit dude

What? I showed some restraint, and did pass on Kane & Lynch 2. ;)

Although Steam reports that my acct is now somehow 393 games?

I'm not so sure that's accurate, another Steam count says 377?

Steam isn't even sure anymore how many games I own! :D
Can anyone who purchase NYXQuest tell me if they are experiencing this "whenever I click on the desktop icon or Play, the game loads then crashes immediately."

i cant get the game to load at all.
My Steam acct's 372 games, I've played ~36 of 'em...

My D2D acct's 47games, I've played three of 'em (none through my D2D licenses, though...)

Yet, for some reason, Sniper @ $14.99 is still tempting...

The only thing that holds me back is knowing that it is by far the shittiest game that came out this year... Yet, I still consider it...

(Never mind the fact that it obviously will be $14.99 or less during a holiday sale soon enough anyway...)

But Gametap has hundreds of games for my subscription cost of $60/yr ($5/m), including Sniper anyway... So why oh why this Steam addiction?

Its a good thing this is all digital. It'd suck to store that many unwrapped PC game boxes. :p

Even though my collection is about 1/6th of yours, for me its the cheap price that draws me in. I justify it to myself because I think its the only time I can get it this cheap. Perhaps its flawed thinking.
Its a good thing this is all digital. It'd suck to store that many unwrapped PC game boxes. :p

Even though my collection is about 1/6th of yours, for me its the cheap price that draws me in. I justify it to myself because I think its the only time I can get it this cheap. Perhaps its flawed thinking.

I just try and limit it games I am pretty sure I will play. Even at $2 I am not going to buy a game I have zero interest in.
Its a good thing this is all digital. It'd suck to store that many unwrapped PC game boxes. :p

Yeah, according to my tracking sheet, I actually have almost 200 games on physical media.

And yeah, dozens of those are not just unplayed but, just as you suggested, they're not even unwrapped...

Some of the games packs like the MoH annv pack are eight DVDs... Takes forever to install, rather just set Steam to download overnight...
I just try and limit it games I am pretty sure I will play. Even at $2 I am not going to buy a game I have zero interest in.

Again: I didn't even buy Kane & Lynch.

During this Steam sale the last few days, I've only made two purchases this time 'round.
I just try and limit it games I am pretty sure I will play. Even at $2 I am not going to buy a game I have zero interest in.

i used to buy anything cheap on steam, but i've stopped also. no need to buy a $3 game that i will not even touch. that's why i skipped all the indie packs these last few days.
Yeah, according to my tracking sheet, I actually have almost 200 games on physical media.

And yeah, dozens of those are not just unplayed but, just as you suggested, they're not even unwrapped...

Some of the games packs like the MoH annv pack are eight DVDs... Takes forever to install, rather just set Steam to download overnight...

Where and how do you have your physical games stored? Just boxes?
There were a couple good deals I wanted, but the fact of the matter is that I don't have a machine that can handle most games any more. My workstation needs $300 for 8GB of DD2-1200 RAM, and the latest and bestest ATI card out there.. and an LCD monitor and a keyboard and then I can game.

Buuuuuuuut, you're right. Christmas/New Years deals will probably be wicked.
Where and how do you have your physical games stored? Just boxes?

I'm not sure where everything is, that's why I started a tracking sheet, along with their SNs.

Most have been boxed, but I still have about a dozen retail boxes stacked vertically on a table behind me to my left, a few just sitting 'round on a table to my right, some retail boxes lined up like books on a shelf above me, some sitting flat in sleeves above me, some sitting in sleeves on my desk in front of me, some retail boxes on shelves behind me...

And I thought I had inventoried everything, but then I looked through my ol' Newegg receipts online recently, and I bought some STALKER game and Far Cry 2 for $3/each a year or two ago, and they were just discs in sleeves, but they didn't make my inventory, so I still have some stuff hiding somewhere apparently.

Have both on Steam now so don't really care, although I'm sure I could CL a lot of this stuff for $1 or so just to get it out my door and still make a cool hundred dollars or so...

Actually, with it post-BF and etc, and some of this completely unopened, a CL sale for a buck or so would probably work rather well...

Oh, and when I burn video DVDs for my mom, I know I've run out of travel containers for 'em, so I've just used a retail game DVD box to take 'em to her house, so I'd imagine some of my games are still there, too...

She's a Jesus freak, so it didn't go over too well when I used a "Natural Born Killers" retail DVD case to take some discs over to her. :D I just use game cases now, 'though I'd imagine "Bloodbowl" might make her wonder, too...

Good thing I don't own Rapelay, or she'd never welcome me back over...

I should sale the stuff for my own good, but then there goes the first-sale doctrine thingy, which is the reason I buy the stuff in the first place...
I'm being much more restrained as well - titles like Trine, and Tropico 3, and Torchlight were immediate purchases for me, but none of them worked out.

This time last year I would have bought the Lara Croft game in a second - same deal with Blur yesterday. But this year I have so many titles from this year that I'm only halfway through on that it seems wrong to be buying something that's not triple A.

My strategy this year is to wait for the titles I want rather than purchase on an impulse.

Lionheart, Singularity, and The Force Unleashed are on that list, but it's a short list.
Grabbed Force Unleashed II a couple weeks ago for $10. Got Batman AA for $10 yesterday. Damn you Steam!! :p
Good to know. I've heard of it before but I knew nothing about it. It looks cool from the screenshots I glanced at. :p

It's pretty looking, but if you were a fan of the original IL-2 don't expect that type of gameplay. It's pretty arcadish. There was a demo too last time I checked.