PSA: Get Ready for the Steam sales

I'm definitely looking forward to some great Steam sales! It's rare when I buy any games that aren't through Steam anymore. Hoping COD: BO is sold at a huge discount, but I'm not holding my breath.

I'd be really surprised if MW2 was sold at a discount, let alone BO BLOPS BLACK BOPS
By the way, I hope nobody is counting on a Black Ops deal.

You can even quote me on that, it won't happen.
I expect FO3 GOTY will go on sale for $15-20 and New Vegas for $30. I believe I paid $20 for the former last time it went on sale.

YES, I deliberately skipped FO3 GOTY when it was on sale for $25, because I didn't think it was good enough of a deal, even though it was much cheaper than the individual DLCs, regardless, I do hope it goes on sale because I've been holding out for it.. might spring for metro as well if its cheapish
Im looking for FO3 GOTY, Metro2033, Amnesia, DA;O, and still would love to play the Avatar game as long as its like sub $10
By the way, I hope nobody is counting on a Black Ops deal. You can even quote me on that, it won't happen.
It might happen. Activision, in the spirit of Christmas and all that, might be generous enough to discount it by, say, 2%.
It might happen. Activision, in the spirit of Christmas and all that, might be generous enough to discount it by, say, 2%.
pff, 1.5% tops!

MW2 is still what? $55? Think I saw MW1 for $20 once, but still didn't feel like getting it.. In not too long I'll probably be the last person in the west to not have played call of modern war duty..:p
pff, 1.5% tops!

MW2 is still what? $55? Think I saw MW1 for $20 once, but still didn't feel like getting it.. In not too long I'll probably be the last person in the west to not have played call of modern war duty..:p

That's equivalent to lamenting being an Ethiopian child that hasn't experienced malnutrition.
Metro 2033 was only like $13 a few weeks ago on Steam. Not sure why you all didn't pick it up then. :) I'm more interested in average games that are overpriced: Singularity, Alpha Protocol, The Sabateur.

Mirror's Edge ($5) and Defense Grid: The Awakening ($2.50) were some of my better purchases last year.
I agree. It's selling like hotcakes and it's awfully new.

Activision could shit in a box, wrap it up and put the Call of Duty logo on it, and it would still sell 500 million dollars worth on the first day, that's essentially what they did with MW2 and Black Ops
Think I saw MW1 for $20 once, but still didn't feel like getting it.. In not too long I'll probably be the last person in the west to not have played call of modern war duty..:p

I bought it for $14.99 on Steam on April 24th

That was the second time I bought it. I see copies on craigslist usually for $10. There are still lots of people playing MW1 so don't be scared to try it. Especially if its heavily discounted.

I still play WaW too and I also like it a lot but there are less people on the servers...
Activision could shit in a box, wrap it up and put the Call of Duty logo on it, and it would still sell 500 million dollars worth on the first day, that's essentially what they did with MW2


BLOPS is actually a decent game.
Steam Thanksgiving sale just started

24th - 29th November - each deal valid only for 24hours

each day Steam will give 30 random users 5 games which they have in their Wish List
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Borderlands is one of the sales.

I lost twice today on the Burger King Kinect contest, so I'll probably win the Steam wish list contest, the odds are in my favor.
Steam might be pretty hot this year, especially since Games for Windows is (re)launching and is going to bring a lot of competition to the table this season.
Looks like those wanting Borderlands and Alpha Protocol for cheap can get it today. Not too shabby of a start to the sale.
RUSE should be five dollars, which is what I'll pay for it. Not one red cent more.
How does Borderlands work? Is it like Diablo 2 but FPS? Or is it more like DOTA where you restart every time you play.
It is like a FPS diablo. If you never played it i recomend it, great humor and fun for at least 1 playthrough.
Would like

NFS Shift ala cheapo :D (5 bucks or less :rolleyes: )
Crysis pack
NBA 2K11 10 dollars off would be nice (yes I know its dirt cheap for the pc but I already owned the ps3 version)
Max and the magic marker
Doc Clock
Batman Asylum
whatever crap falls under .99-1.99 that is worth picking up
6h 56m left till the next Set of games. I hope they are good ones. I didnt see anything of real interest this time.
Guys the Steam list has been updated. Check out the new deals

Batman is 10.00
Kane and lynch 2 dog days is 5.00
Left 4 Dead 2 (8 Pack) 25.00
Defense Grid: The Awakening - (10-Pack) 15.00
EVE Online: Tyrannis: 5.00

Thats really about it to be honest
In for Batman woot :D
Kane and lynch 2 dog days seems temping but I read it's like 4 hours long and a pile of crap :mad:
On the fence on the indie pack
CitiesXl .. 9.99 fffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i bought it off ebay for 15.00 last week... :(
It's amazing they still put audio surf up there...who in their right minds doesn't already have it, my 2nd most played game on Steam behind TF2
Im tempted by kane and lynch 2, i said if it was ever going that cheap id give it a spin...
other than that i pretty much have a lot from previous sales.
I didnt like K&L 2 it was short and the controls are still horrible. to each his own tho someone else might love it
Just got Audiosurf too, for $2.50 it's worth it even if I play it for 2 songs and dont' like it. lol
So far picked up..

Alpha Protocol $7
Kane&Lynch $5

Stand by for :)
Defense Grid was one of my favorite purchases during the holiday sale last year. If you like tower defense games, this is a solid one. Plus, it came out with 4 more maps for free (and you can buy more on the cheap).
Im tempted by kane and lynch 2, i said if it was ever going that cheap id give it a spin...
other than that i pretty much have a lot from previous sales.

Yeah I'm wondering whether K&L2 is worth $5 too. I'm downloading the demo right now.

Edit: I admire the game's different take on "gritty", but it is still a very bog-standard shooter, and the shaky camera doesn't not going to buy it, even for the pithy $5 it is going for right now.
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anyone want Puzzle Quest 2 for $8? couple bucks off the sale price, shoot me a pm