PS4 Pro Has Replaceable Hard Drive


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
If the 1TB hard drive that comes with the PS4 Pro isn’t enough storage for you, swapping it out for something bigger and faster will be easy enough. It should also be worth noting that the Pro uses SATA III, so an SSD upgrade may be much more sensible than it was with the original console, which used a slower interface.

As is the case with the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3, you will be able to swap out the internal hard drive for the PlayStation 4 Pro if you want to. The company told GameSpot that the PS4 Pro uses a SATA III interface, which supports solid-state drives that users can manually swap in to replace the existing hard drive, to scale up to 6 Gb/s. This is double the speed of the original PS4's SATA II interface, which scales up to 3 Gb/s. Microsoft's Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii U do not support swapping out internal hard drives, though you can add extra storage space with external hard drives on those consoles.
So you can replace, but not add additional disks? Lame. It's a SATA port! It costs what, $1 to add a port?!
I was blown away that these new consoles didn't have sata3 or easy to swap hard drives. Will be interesting to see ps4 load times with a 1tb ssd
Is this only a SSD replacement? If so, buying a SSD greater than 1 TB is going to cost more than the console did. If it is a hard drive, then it will be a reasonable move.
It's more of a space / design issue. they are small boxes...

But to add an external SATA or USB port for additional storage? I didn't specify that it had to be internal.

What would be a REAL nice feature would be storing games on a network. But THAT's a pipe dream if I ever dreamed one.
But to add an external SATA or USB port for additional storage? I didn't specify that it had to be internal.

Saying "add a $1 SATA connector" means internal to me.

Maybe they're worried about externals being slow or complicated for plug and play users?