PS3 Home ...

aren't we late.

Didn't think too much of it myself, but honestly, you're like 6 days late. Been off the internet?
Home is interesting, but where are the games? :confused:

Sony is losing exclusive titles left and right, they need to focus on getting some exclusives or they're going to be in trouble.
Can we jump off the PS3 hate bandwagon for awhile people? At least for one damn thread?

I have both consoles...I had all three, but sold the wii as it wasn't right for me.

But, I hate people that are on this hate sony bandwagon. If you don't like what they are doing, don't buy their stuff and don't go into PS3 threads and talk crap...

You don't see me going into Wii threads and saying "The Wii sucks, because it wasn't right for me"...

Have a good day! :D

(Btw, yes this is an old topic, and yes I am still excited to see what Home will bring to the PS3 as online as of right now sucks for the PS3)
Can we jump off the PS3 hate bandwagon for awhile people? At least for one damn thread?

I know it's taboo to think Sony is some 'evil' company, but I don't really see this hate you speak of here.

Back on topic: It's certainly a different approach than XBL, but I'm not that impressed. I guess that's because I've seen second life already and don't care for that much. I know my tastes will differ with others, but at the end of the day I just want good quality games with decent online integration. I think Sony should focus less on style and more on substance.

I remember a Sony exec mentioning that XBL is a 'static' service, but at the end of the day it's the best example of an integrated console gaming network, and has set the bar very high for others.

I know it's taboo to think Sony is some 'evil' company, but I don't really see this hate you speak of here.

Its the fact that everytime there is any post about the PS3, some assholes have to post oh, i dont know anything about what your post is talking about, BUT since im here, i think sony sucks and they are going to go out of business because the playstation is crap.

The irrelevant responses to virtually every PS3 topic here is getting old.
If you want to hate on sony, make a thread and hate on them, dont crap someone elses.

Anyway, Im interested to see home. I dont think its some "Second Life" ripoff MMOG like everyone is trying to make it out to be, and honestly if the people claiming that had actually read or bothered to research what home is offering, they wouldnt even have a comparison. I think its just a pretty gateway to lots of cool features Sony will be offering. It doesnt have to be used, but the functionality is there, and i think it will be fairly popular, especially in Japan, and Europe.
Its the fact that everytime there is any post about the PS3, some assholes have to post oh, i dont know anything about what your post is talking about, BUT since im here, i think sony sucks and they are going to go out of business because the playstation is crap.

The irrelevant responses to virtually every PS3 topic here is getting old.
If you want to hate on sony, make a thread and hate on them, dont crap someone elses.

Anyway, Im interested to see home. I dont think its some "Second Life" ripoff MMOG like everyone is trying to make it out to be, and honestly if the people claiming that had actually read or bothered to research what home is offering, they wouldnt even have a comparison. I think its just a pretty gateway to lots of cool features Sony will be offering. It doesnt have to be used, but the functionality is there, and i think it will be fairly popular, especially in Japan, and Europe.

1. No matter how much you complain, those comments aren't goning to stop. The only thing you can help is how you react to them. If you own a PS3 and are satisfied with your purchase then that's all that should matter. For the record, the Xbox 360 also received a lot of flak at launch and still goes through the ringer for hardware/manufacturing issues. Please let's not make this seem like only the PS3 has some target on it's back.

2. I have seen the videos and reviews, and Home is interesting (given that it's different). However, all I want is an easy and quick way to play my games online with others and XBL provides that. If you go into any 360 forum you'll hear people cry about group chats and clan support - none of these things I personally care about. I'm sure that Home is going to take off with some people, but most console gamers are casual at best (many people with 360's refuse to use Live for that matter), so the hardwork on Home will be lost on some.

More than anything, Sony should just focus on making online gaming as seamless and SIMPLE as possible. I'm all about a nice looking cell-phone, but if the call quality is poor and it can't do simple functions well than it's worthless to me.

If you own a PS3 and are satisfied with your purchase then that's all that should matter.

I rarely respond to the Fannnboiiis, but they are starting to waste my time, because everytime I just try and talk about the PS3 they start bashing it, and it goes on and on. I can't even talk to people about the PS3 without some of them just jumping in to say its going to fail or it sucks.
I rarely respond to the Fannnboiiis, but they are starting to waste my time, because everytime I just try and talk about the PS3 they start bashing it, and it goes on and on. I can't even talk to people about the PS3 without some of them just jumping in to say its going to fail or it sucks.

Exactly. People can hate sony as much as they want, i dont care, but when it interferes with my discussions on its features, games, etc then it becomes a problem.
Here, let me try: "Home looks promising, and provides an interesting, unique experience for PS3 owners. However, the lack of persistency is disappointing, as is the fact that it is an entirely separate application that needs to be run (eg, it is not always sitting in the background on the dashboard). I think Home will be regarded as a good thing in the end, and loved by PS3 owners. It does not, however, look like a system seller - at least right now."
its the future! good to see them capitalize on the social aspects from mmorpg's and etc. huge thumbs up! the first steps in living virtually for a gamer. I can only hope age and sex are controlled and for once and for all, abolish anonymity. its about time consequence entered the equation!

was there a big boob option? :D
While "home" is interesting, the PS3 needs the basic online features first! Where is the access to the universal friends list, game invites, list of players you meet online, music, voice chat, messages, downloads, stats, or personal settings from anywhere on the console (mainly in-game).

"Home" seems like a complex way of doing these things that online gaming needs and following Sony track record will take forever to implement. I just want simple and easy to use features that will improve my gaming experience
I think Home looks pretty cool, and interesting, but I just wonder if they'll be able to deliver (OMG, I'm about to "bash" teh Sony!!!11). Unfortnately they have a pretty good track record of coming up with, or announcing some pretty ambitious features, and when it hits the market its not even close to the original vision. If they pull it off it'll be a pretty cool system, and a different spin on what Live has.
I think Home looks pretty cool, and interesting, but I just wonder if they'll be able to deliver (OMG, I'm about to "bash" teh Sony!!!11). Unfortnately they have a pretty good track record of coming up with, or announcing some pretty ambitious features, and when it hits the market its not even close to the original vision. If they pull it off it'll be a pretty cool system, and a different spin on what Live has.

Its not bashing, its constructive criticism, i can appreciate that.

There is supposedly a beta going up in the next month, so i think this is closer than everyone thinks. There is already a webpage for the beta online.
Playstation Home is "infinitely more exciting than anything on other consoles"? Seriously, did they just say that? It might be a cool idea, but it just boils down to being an online service that looks pretty instead of using menus. To say that this one feature on PS3 is better than anything else on any other console is just plain stupid especially considering what it is.

I can't wait until the PS3 gets more exclusive games so I can pick one up and enjoy it as much as I did my PlayStation and PlayStation2, but the way Sony pitches its product is pretty funny.

Maybe they can come up with more great sales ideas... "We finally decided to put a hard drive in our game console and we've cased it in a fancy black and silver casing. This is infinitely more exciting than anything you will find on another console." Possibly "We FINALLY decided to support more than two controllers out of the box without an adapter, this is way cooler than everyone else."

Or maybe just straight to the point.. "We finally caught up with the rest of the herd, but now that we have done it, it's so much better than everyone else."

what I am wondering, and am excited about is, to the idea of having a home theatre in your virtual apartment and the ability to have some friends sign into PSHome and come to your home theatre and watch movies/videos that are stored locally on the PS3.. will this happen? could one broadcast/stream movies on the hdd of the PS3 or BD for others to see (most likely not full res, but still could hang out, chat watch a movie then go game online all through PShome)
what I am wondering, and am excited about is, to the idea of having a home theatre in your virtual apartment and the ability to have some friends sign into PSHome and come to your home theatre and watch movies/videos that are stored locally on the PS3.. will this happen? could one broadcast/stream movies on the hdd of the PS3 or BD for others to see (most likely not full res, but still could hang out, chat watch a movie then go game online all through PShome)

That's the idea, and that's what's got me so intrigued.

Second, I don't get these Second Life comparisons. People that spit out these comparisons clearly don't know what they're talking about, and are just going along with the anti-Sony people say.
It's nothing like Second Life. Everything (except Lobbies) in Home is instanced; it's not a traditional MMO by any means, and far from anything like Second Life. It's a glorified menu system with multiplayer capabilities, really.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get into Home beta. I read Phil Harrison stating that they're giving the first people who registered their PS3s priority for the sign-up... (which would include myself). -crosses fingers
That's the idea, and that's what's got me so intrigued.

Second, I don't get these Second Life comparisons. People that spit out these comparisons clearly don't know what they're talking about, and are just going along with the anti-Sony people say.
It's nothing like Second Life. Everything (except Lobbies) in Home is instanced; it's not a traditional MMO by any means, and far from anything like Second Life. It's a glorified menu system with multiplayer capabilities, really.

Anyway, I'm hoping to get into Home beta. I read Phil Harrison stating that they're giving the first people who registered their PS3s priority for the sign-up... (which would include myself). -crosses fingers

It's cool that you're excited by PSHome, there are parts of it that intrigue me. Before you say anything, yes, I've dabbled with Second LIfe (ugh) and I've read all the info I can find about PSHome. There are similarities, but fundamentally they're slightly different. I can agree with that.

With that said, I don't really see the point in it. I know some people will play around with it all day but when push comes to shove, I want to sit down and be chatting with friends in-game within minutes. I want to be playing a game as quickly as possible. Since PSHome is too large of a program to ever run while in-game, I don't see how this is going to help the primary purpose of the PS3, and that is its ability to play games and play them well. While Sony can mock XBL and the fact that it's "2D", I welcome that approach. Why? Because it allows XBL to run in the background and act as a support network for your friends list, chatting, seeing who is in what game, etc. PSHome won't be able to do that unless Sony goes with something less flashy.

And isn't that what this is all about, gaming? I don't want my friends to come into my virtual apartment and watch a video of a kitten dressed up like a hobo, I want to frag their asses online. Or I want them to come into my real apartment, where I will proceed to again, frag their ass on my couch.
And isn't that what this is all about, gaming? I don't want my friends to come into my virtual apartment and watch a video of a kitten dressed up like a hobo, I want to frag their asses online.

*LMAO* Sorry, that was just pretty funny. Anyway, is this video of a kitten dressed like a hobo on youtube? ;)
My primary beef, assuming I understand the system correctly, is that you've actually got to go into Home, organize your friends, exit Home, launch the game, invite your friends into the game, and then start playing. That's awkward as hell compared to XBL.
My primary beef, assuming I understand the system correctly, is that you've actually got to go into Home, organize your friends, exit Home, launch the game, invite your friends into the game, and then start playing. That's awkward as hell compared to XBL.

No. You go into Home and you invite friends into your apartment. From there, you launch games and do everything else. You do not exit, and re-invite for each game. Just think of Galo 2 (yes, I meant to use G) lobby. All your friends are in the lobby and you can start each game. Galo 2 = Home, Lobby = Your apartment, Sniper Game = Motorstorm, Game of Swords = get the picture?
No. You go into Home and you invite friends into your apartment. From there, you launch games and do everything else. You do not exit, and re-invite for each game. Just think of Galo 2 (yes, I meant to use G) lobby. All your friends are in the lobby and you can start each game. Galo 2 = Home, Lobby = Your apartment, Sniper Game = Motorstorm, Game of Swords = get the picture?

Well then, congratulations to Sony. They've come up with online competition for the original XBOX.

Too bad that the 360 vastly improved upon that system.
Well then, congratulations to Sony. They've come up with online competition for the original XBOX.

Too bad that the 360 vastly improved upon that system.

You mean the 360's launch game, start a game, hit the xbox button, send an invite to a friend, hope that he/she saw the invite message in the first place since it disappears so quick, then resend the msg when 10 mins later they still havent joined, etc etc.

I dont see the 360's being so superior to the Home. Superior now? Sure.

Formula One:CE makes perfect use of the already existing friends list and lets me invite from that list in game with no problems. So this unified bs isnt really that much of an issue. When games program with it in mind.
Well then, congratulations to Sony. They've come up with online competition for the original XBOX.

Too bad that the 360 vastly improved upon that system.

I still fail to see how Live is the Holy Grail of online game play. A new UI doesn't resolve back-end issues. It's OK. Could be better though ;)
I still fail to see how Live is the Holy Grail of online game play. A new UI doesn't resolve back-end issues. It's OK. Could be better though ;)

Oh, it can definitely be improved. But right now, it's the cream of the crop. Sony needs to at least match its functionality and any improvement on the system would be welcomed with open arms.

PSHome doesn't appear to be doing that. With the beta not even released yet, Sony still has time to correct this but with their recent attitude toward the consumer and world in general, I seriously wonder if they can see far enough past their own nose to realize it.
You mean the 360's launch game, start a game, hit the xbox button, send an invite to a friend, hope that he/she saw the invite message in the first place since it disappears so quick, then resend the msg when 10 mins later they still havent joined, etc etc.

QFT...Its not any more complicated then Live..(It seems).
You mean the 360's launch game, start a game, hit the xbox button, send an invite to a friend, hope that he/she saw the invite message in the first place since it disappears so quick, then resend the msg when 10 mins later they still havent joined, etc etc.

I dont see the 360's being so superior to the Home. Superior now? Sure.

Formula One:CE makes perfect use of the already existing friends list and lets me invite from that list in game with no problems. So this unified bs isnt really that much of an issue. When games program with it in mind.

But will Home span across your friends list in-game and offer an interface no matter what game your friend is playing?

If Sony offers a 2D interface in-game and unifies your friends lists and offers the same or better functionality as XBL, kudos to them. But I don't see them talking about that. I see them blabbing on about a virtual apartment and other nonsensical things that don't affect me as a gamer.

XBL does have room for improvement, I think anyone can see that. But is Sony going to do it?
But will Home span across your friends list in-game and offer an interface no matter what game your friend is playing?

If Sony offers a 2D interface in-game and unifies your friends lists and offers the same or better functionality as XBL, kudos to them. But I don't see them talking about that. I see them blabbing on about a virtual apartment and other nonsensical things that don't affect me as a gamer.

XBL does have room for improvement, I think anyone can see that. But is Sony going to do it?

I personally and IMO dont think a 2d pop up interface is hands down the best solution in the first place. Id rather my game have the friends list populated in game for a more seamless experience. I think the PS3 does that part fine, and i think home will only improve on it. Of course the players met, chat, etc really need work, but i think home is going to streamline all of those things much better. I dont see any issue with the way they plan on handling the inviting of friends for multiplayer aspect.

There is a really great thread on the playstation forums by a user who has compiled ALL news items and information about home, its got a huge amount of data, and i think anyone who wants to fully understand what home is going to offer should check it out. Id post the link here but im not sure if its proper to do so on hardforum.
I haven't used Sony's network so I currently do not know how things work and what its like. Though, for now we can just speculate the details.
"Infinitely more exciting than anything on the other consoles" seems a bit excessive, don't you think?

I think the whole idea is neat, but once again, excessive. Who has time to (online) go to someone's virtual house and listen to music. I think it's fair to say that most people actually get on their gaming consoles to game.

It seems to offer a few neat things (a way to meet up with people/coordinate), but I get the impression they're trying to do too much with it.

Edit: I missed the first time how they also mentioned "advertising space". Yay, if it gets any bit popular it will be flooded with ads.
"Infinitely more exciting than anything on the other consoles" seems a bit excessive, don't you think?

I think the whole idea is neat, but once again, excessive. Who has time to (online) go to someone's virtual house and listen to music. I think it's fair to say that most people actually get on their gaming consoles to game.

It seems to offer a few neat things (a way to meet up with people/coordinate), but I get the impression they're trying to do too much with it.

Any company is going to hype their own product. Sometimes, I hop on my 360 to just listen to music, watch movie previews, or chat with a buddy as he plays his game and I do my own thing.
It really is all about downtime. I dont ALWAYS have a game running on my 360 or my PS3. On my 360 when im bored I pop on some arcade games, or browse the latest multimedia. Same on my PS3.

Sony wants to own gamers downtime, thats the bottom line with Home. Its for when you arent in the mood to play any game, so you hop on, hang out with some ppl you have met, check out trailers, check out online stores, organize your house, watch movies, download arcade games, etc.

They are going to be advertising, branding, etc ,etc everything in Home. Sony knows what they are doing. So when people complain about this doing nothing for the gamer in them, they need to think its not about the gamer. Its about the time in between being a gamer. They want to own your living room and I think home really has potential to put a big foot in there.

For people with all 3 systems, when you are bored, and you just want to screw around. What system do you think will be the most likely to be turned on? Ask yourself that truthfully. Im pretty sure id be going into the PS3 once Home is out.
Any company is going to hype their own product. Sometimes, I hop on my 360 to just listen to music, watch movie previews, or chat with a buddy as he plays his game and I do my own thing.

The line I posted was a joke. I just found the comment to be entertaining.

Also, I didn't say all people were like me in that they get on their consoles to game, but I think that the majority do. Sure, even I keep my console on to listen to music from, but for the other things you mentioned, that's what my computer is for. ;)

Sony wants to own gamers downtime, thats the bottom line with Home. Its for when you arent in the mood to play any game, so you hop on, hang out with some ppl you have met, check out trailers, check out online stores, organize your house, watch movies, download arcade games, etc.

I agree with you on this. BUT...I thought gaming WAS for downtime!
The line I posted was a joke. I just found the comment to be entertaining.

Also, I didn't say all people were like me in that they get on their consoles to game, but I think that the majority do. Sure, even I keep my console on to listen to music from, but for the other things you mentioned, that's what my computer is for. ;)

I agree with you on this. BUT...I thought gaming WAS for downtime!

It is definitely for downtime, but everyone has to take a breather from game time to just check out the new stuff in the marketplace or PSN or wherever. Home just will add a more unique/interesting way to do that.
No. You go into Home and you invite friends into your apartment. From there, you launch games and do everything else. You do not exit, and re-invite for each game.
You're wrong. The official FAQ is pretty clear on this one:

Q: "Can you enter, say, MotorStorm quickly through Home without having to travel to the specific MotorStorm lobby?"

A: "Currently, users can find each other in Home, and then arrange to go off and play MotorStorm at the same time. Eventually, users will be able to meet in Home and seamlessly launch into a game of MotorStorm. Similarly, users will be able to exit to Home directly from the game."
You're wrong. The official FAQ is pretty clear on this one:

Q: "Can you enter, say, MotorStorm quickly through Home without having to travel to the specific MotorStorm lobby?"

A: "Currently, users can find each other in Home, and then arrange to go off and play MotorStorm at the same time. Eventually, users will be able to meet in Home and seamlessly launch into a game of MotorStorm. Similarly, users will be able to exit to Home directly from the game."

Well, sorry for not reading the official FAQ and by going off the keynote speech.
Looks like Home is very interesting to me.
Hopfully sony does good in this time.
Nice pics in the ps3 with HDts format show:)