PS3 2.42 Firmware Issues?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
There are a handful of major sites like Gizmodo, PSX Extreme and PS3 Daily that are reporting on the rash of issues brought on by the PS3 2.42 firmware update. My 60GB launch unit has had random freezing since the 2.42 update, are any of you having issues? The PlayStation forums are packed with people having issues, could a 2.43 patch be on the way?
I am to having weird freezing issues. I also turned it on yesterday and it said the hard drive was corrupt and needed to be re-formatted. I powered of the system and turned it back on and everything worked fine. Glad I didnt re-format :D
Ah, gone are the days of the SNES when consoles just... worked.

Ahh, but remember blowing in the cartridges trick to get them to work?

I am always reluctant to post this kind of stuff because the fanatics come out in force "YUO ARE TEH BIAS AGAINS SONY!!!" foaming at the mouth but, when I realized there were tons of people in the official forums having problems I realized I wasn't the only one.

Oddly enough, the last screwed up firmware had no impact on my PS3, I updated to the 2.42 just in I have freezing issues. :(
I haven't had any issues with 2.42 on my 40GB unit. All I use my system for is BR & DVD playback though. I don't own any games on it.
to get my old NES to read games, I had to stick lego man inside of the console to hold the cartridge down.
cant edit my post, so I have to make another.....

I was going to add, i'm not having any problems with the new patch.
I just hope the same fate doesn't befall the 360 come the fall update. I would be "slightly" less than pleased if my console bricked on me during the Fall. Especially if said update comes out around Fable 2 time.
I have the 40gb upgraded to a diff HDD. No problems with any of the 2.4x firmwares so far.
I had FIFA 08 freeze on me on friday, I just attributed it to the fact that EA Sports sucks ass at making PS3 games thanks to Michael Moore. Maybe it froze because of the firmware, but the game is buggy as hell as it is.
60Gb upgraded to 320Gb wd drive, 2.42 no problems except the browser freezing which has been since launch. When is Sony going to update the browser or java, flash.........:mad:
My 80GB has been working fine with the latest update... Just purchased it a few weeks ago (Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle woohoo!). :-D
40GB with a 160GB upgrade in since the up date i have finished Rachet and Clank FTOD and Lego Indy i can't even guess at the actual hours with zero problems.
40gb here, i got it in the mail TODAY from a buddy who sold it to me. Worked fine for him on 2.40 firmware. I had it running for about 10 mins, and once I tried to play a game it told me that there was an update available. The 2.42 update downloaded, system froze, and it's now completely bricked. Called up Sony support, and I'll be sending it out for an in-warranty replacement as soon as I get a box from them.
anyone experiencing some pauses when exiting from the web browser? It took about 30 second longer than usual to exit which use to take 1-5 seconds.
40GB probs at all with any of the 2.4x patches. Hopefully, no probs when I get an HDXT and 1TB HDD installed on it.

Meanwhile, had probs connecting to a friend of mine on XBL to play any game (on the 360 of course) until I did the cache cleanup trick and all was fine...WTF?
60gb and 80 gb here, no issues.

Though this concerns me quite a bit. This is the second questionable firmware Sony has released in a fairly short timeframe. Granted they still haven't bricked anywhere close to as many consoles as microsoft has but still it bodes badly.
I'd better get started on a system back up, before a random update screws me over.
40GB froze once on me. Had to hard reboot (unplugg from the UPS). Works after the restart. However, videos in MGS4 are very choppy now :(
40gb here and no problems thus far (keeps fingers crossed). Hopefully the next update will fix this problem for people who are experiencing them.

Ahh, but remember blowing in the cartridges trick to get them to work?

I am always reluctant to post this kind of stuff because the fanatics come out in force "YUO ARE TEH BIAS AGAINS SONY!!!" foaming at the mouth but, when I realized there were tons of people in the official forums having problems I realized I wasn't the only one.

Oddly enough, the last screwed up firmware had no impact on my PS3, I updated to the 2.42 just in I have freezing issues. :(

Remember? Some of us are still doing that. :D