Proxie Websites

A Yellow Fellow

Limp Gawd
May 19, 2008
I am not sure where this should go. If this is in the wrong place then feel free to move it. Does anyone know of any free proxy websites that have an updated flash plugin so you can watch youtube with it. I found one, but it gave my computer a trojan.
yeah it is just kind of annoying that my school blocks youtube.

I can tell you why though: It's a huge bandwidth hog. No matter the school, almost universally they have meager internet capacity vs # of students. So, in order to make the internet available to students for actual homework and such, they have to limit the bandwidth hogs. youtube being at the top of that list.

Maybe it would be different if things like squid could proxy the videos, who knows. That's still a ton of bandwidth flying around on the network.
Being the IT Manager for a school district, I can agree that XOR is half correct. It's a crap ton of bandwidth, but the biggest reason is all the drama around YouTube and MySpace with kids. Before we blocked both, I'd spend hours a week because kids and parents would complain about what Johnny posted about Jimmy. Even after we blocked it, we still have to deal with parts of it. If you post a message saying you're going to beat the crap out of some kid at school, it's our business and we have to follow up with it.