Protective Hard Drive Storage


Apr 22, 2008
Hey guys, I am currently backing up all my data, movies and music to a 1TB HD, I want to store this hard drive in protected location, for example a fireproof lock box, but I don't want to just throw the HD in the lock box in a static bag.

So I wondering if any of you knew, where I could buy a protective HD case, for one or multiple drives. I'm thinking of something along the lines of plastic exterior, foam inside, and seals pretty tight to keep out moisture, air, etc.

Google has failed me, and hasn't returned anything that looks promising and all tech sites just sell external enclosures.

This is the only thing I came across in my 5-minute search:

Looks like a glorified VHS Case to me, but you never know. If I were to ever get that, I would just put my HD in an antistatic bag, then put the whole thing in that case, then put it in a locked case.
You could always use an external drive case so you can not only use it for backups and such, but it would make a good storage coffin
Pelican cases are great. If you can, check them out in a store to get an idea of what sizes would work best for you. They come with a foam interior that's pretty easily customizable, so I'm sure getting them to snugly fit hard drives would be no problem. Then just get a bunch of anti-static bags and you're set (they even have ziplock ones if you google).
Better yet, get a safe deposit box and put it there. This way you fill two the critical items of a backup...indepeant and seperate location.
Better yet, get a safe deposit box and put it there. This way you fill two the critical items of a backup...indepeant and seperate location.

Yeah, that's what I do. I have 2 250gb drives that I swap out of my safe deposit box periodically -- one stays at home for a couple months, then I swap it with the drive in the box, rinse and repeat every couple of months.
why rotate them out of the safe deposit box? just to keep the data up to date without a lot of trips?
why rotate them out of the safe deposit box? just to keep the data up to date without a lot of trips?

How do you propose I do that? Not sure what you mean...the purpose of offsite backup is to protect data against catastrophes such as fire, flood, tornado, etc...
This is the only thing I came across in my 5-minute search:

Looks like a glorified VHS Case to me, but you never know. If I were to ever get that, I would just put my HD in an antistatic bag, then put the whole thing in that case, then put it in a locked case.

I really like this concept. I could maintain a full backup of my systems without having to keep building system after system to backeachother up.
I really like this concept. I could maintain a full backup of my systems without having to keep building system after system to backeachother up.

:) What? And deprive the [H]ardCommunity of your incredible disk-storage worklogs? I think not!

How do you propose I do that? Not sure what you mean...the purpose of offsite backup is to protect data against catastrophes such as fire, flood, tornado, etc...

well, you said that you keep one of the drives at home and one at the bank and every once in a while you switch them out. I was just wondering why you keep rotating them out from the bank and at home.
Probably because if you don't have two drives you have to make two trips :)

Exactly. After a couple months, I make a fresh backup on the drive I have at home, then take it to the safe deposit box. Swap it out with the one that's there, use that one the next time I want to make a backup.