Prosthetic-Limbed Runner Disqualified From Olympics

I'm wondering if his prosthetic legs are in fact a lot lighter than real legs. This would give him a leg (or two) up on the other athletes.

The other guy had a 'nad removed and you see what he accomplished, but the French have been after him since day one. But not for being slightly lighter, mind you.

Hardly fiar though....Lance's cardiovascular system is freaking massive compared to many of his competitors...that's what gave him his advantage...but that was a natural's not like there was a special blood-oxygenating machine hooked up to him (getting as much oxygen in the bloodstream is crucial for endurance athletes, like the Tour De France riders, since that will allow them to ride harder before they go anaerobic).

But it's true...if this leg was designed spcifically for speed, then it's a performance additive instead of a biological advantage and should be banned.