Project: X2 (or as I like to call it, Project: Better the 2nd Time)

dude i have the same exact blue on my tower...I LOVE has just a hint of sparkle, you know, and it goes on so friggin smooth and pretty...same fan grills
good job man..keep it up
maybe one day ill get a camera and post my junk
i kinda did the same thing...the outside is blue and internals all black, blue fans, but mine is like 4 feet tall...
"No, the project isn't dead" Day:

Sorry I haven't updated recently -- gotta enjoy summer while it's still here. That and it's been gettin pretty warm and humid again. But luckily, the blue paint refuel came today in the mail. The project will have no more delays.

So it's been a couple clear coats and paint coats since I've updated. But the first piece was ready to test for the mirror shine. I held my breath and went to work:


Dr. Wily said he looked good, but I needed a closer image....a 1600 x 1200 one X2/Picture063.jpg
[He's a naughty Doctor]

Anywhoot, I got bored tonight and decided to get a few more shots of it -- I can say that up close this thing has some issues (little orange peel still in some corners) but not
NEARLY as noticeable as the last case (see first post).



Needs some cleaning, but I liked this shot....(big resolution) X2/Picture066.jpg

...and one last one

Got the 2nd coat of blue on also (sorry, forgot to take a pic) so I hope to have that done sometime next (yes, that will be the last piece to complete).

Tomorrow is polishing the black core...wish me luck! :)
2 years later:

Soooo yeah, it's been a busy August and I didn't antipate taking this long on the case. Some of the more detailed pieces have been a pain in the neck (including the case cover) and have gone back in for little "mini spray jobs". However, I've about reached the end of can #2 of this paint, so therefore, what's covered now is covered, and on to the clear coat stage. I still have plenty of that to go around.

I've also begun assembling the new system itself, and so far, i'm pleased with what I see -- but I'll let you be the judge:



I couldn't get any good shots of the body, too many holes and turns and what have you... :p


For my DVD-Burner, I got another Samsung...and I think after giving my old burner a little wax, I might have to swap faceplates....:D


Yep, that's a poster...;)

That's all for now....I hope to have this about done early next week....:crosses fingers:

EDIT: Oh yeah! I wiped all the residue crap off from around the front and CD pieces...:D
That blue is wierd. In that one picture it looked really dark, then in the other picture it looked really bright.
altec said:
That blue is wierd. In that one picture it looked really dark, then in the other picture it looked really bright.

The blue on the CD drive is a different blue...I want to change it to the SI blue (to match the case). All depends upon whether I have any paint left or not...:(
Does anyone know of a company that makes a car with British Racing Green paint? I think that with a yellow would look seriously badass on a case.

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