Project Lumière Noire by E.E.L. Ambiense

Thanks, Elledan! LOL, "graced by my love and attention", huh? I'd bet any of my ex's would love to hear that. :rolleyes: :D

Hey, I'll be your gf if it gives me access to your tools and supplies ;) :D

*actually really picky about her relationships, ergo eternally single* :p

well done, but whats this out "us bit-tech people"? :p

anyways, I was working on an acrylic backplate for this POS logysis clear case, I quit about a week ago when work really got moving, and now that I'm back in school too I dont have alot of time but, never the less, your thread has motivated me to get back into filing.
If I only had 1/10 of ur mod skillz.

And your grammar!

LOL! Thanks!

My current girlfreind swears I spend more time and attention on my cable management in the house (Home Theater, Computers, ect) than I do on her. It tends to also be around the time I see a frying pan or curling iron flying my way....and to think, I dont even have near Your skills or tools....god can only imagine what would happen then....

I loved following this mod as well as your others. It gives me something to aspire to.

LOL. Sometimes, you just have the draw the line! ;)

Hey, I'll be your gf if it gives me access to your tools and supplies ;) :D

*actually really picky about her relationships, ergo eternally single* :p

LOL. I won't take the bait regarding the obvious comeback about 'access to my tools'. :D

Sorry about the relationship thing; trust me, I understand!


well done, but whats this out "us bit-tech people"? :p

anyways, I was working on an acrylic backplate for this POS logysis clear case, I quit about a week ago when work really got moving, and now that I'm back in school too I dont have alot of time but, never the less, your thread has motivated me to get back into filing.

Hahaha, remember: schoolwork comes first, then comes the worthwhile stuff. :D
Well I have a problem with drawing lines....I tend to be the one that always crosses them by miles....sometimes for good, mostly for evil....:mad:
I love this mod a lot, I would like to make a custom desk like this with the same type of black film or glass you have, maybe something very thick with the see thru option just like you have, I think a huge custom desk like this that can hold 2 computers and 2 monitors would be awesome
I love this mod a lot, I would like to make a custom desk like this with the same type of black film or glass you have, maybe something very thick with the see thru option just like you have, I think a huge custom desk like this that can hold 2 computers and 2 monitors would be awesome

Thank you!

That would be cool.
I have a quick question: Is the acrylic from Delvies the black translucent? I can't find anything labeld "smoke" on their site.

Simply beautiful work. One of my favorite mods in a very long time. Top 5 in my book. It's just so damn clean. :)
I have a quick question: Is the acrylic from Delvies the black translucent? I can't find anything labeld "smoke" on their site.

It's quite misleading, actually. The 'translucent' is the solid black. :p

The transparent grey is actually under, well, 'transparent', oddly enough. :D Been buying it for years, but they changed the way they named stuff a couple years back or so and it's a bit confusing.

Simply beautiful work. One of my favorite mods in a very long time. Top 5 in my book. It's just so damn clean. :)

Thank you for the kind words!
Just a quick bump saying thanks for the kind words I've gotten off the grid from some of you as well as the traditional posts, etc. It's sincerely appreciated.

Lumière Noire was just announced as a finalist in Intel's Core Challenge. It's an honor being among all the other esteemed mods/modders!

Check out the contest here. Register and vote for the project that catches your eye!
Congrats, Noire deserves every bit of praise it gets :D
Hey I just saw you made it into CPU Magazine with this Mod in the latest issue!
